
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要

在上个世纪,中国文坛可谓是百花齐放,涌现出了一大批杰出的作家,在这么一大批在中国文学史上留下浓墨重彩一笔的作家之中,还有一位以他特立独行的性格、放荡不羁的笔法游离在主流文坛之外,他就是本文着重讨论的作家:王小波。王小波创作独特,天马行空之余,却不乏理性精神,在王小波作品中充斥着大量的黑色幽默。王小波通过大量的黑色幽默的叙述表达了他的自由主义,为了自由,为了自己的梦想,王小波用自己的笔唱响了那个时代的最强音。本文第一部分写王小波的创作概述,从而自然地引到王小波写作的最大一个特点——黑色幽默;第二部分就是着重介绍王小波的黑色幽默,并对他的黑色幽默进行具体的阐述,并介绍了黑色幽默是利用背离传统的叙事手法, 利用荒诞的笑话表达社会的扭曲;第三部分介绍了王小波黑色幽默的思想内涵,这也正是本文的核心部分,深度挖掘王小波是如何通过他的作品表达权利对创造欲望和人性需求的扭曲及压制,以及王小波是怎么通过看似毫无逻辑的幽默表达他对于时代的反抗; 最后一部分通过分析王小波黑色幽默的表现形式来体现王小波的叙事态度,从而更加深刻有力地展现出王小波关注现实的批判意识。



In the last century, China's literary world is flowers, emerged a large number of outstanding w riter, in such a large part of a writer in the history of Chinese literature, another with his maver ick personality, Bohemian brushwork free outside the mainstream literary world, he is the aut hor of this paper focuses on: wang. Wang xiaobo is unique in his work, but there is no lack of rational spirit in wang xiaobo's work, which is full of black humor. Wang through a lot of blac k humor narrative expressed his liberalism, for freedom, in order to want to own dream, wang made the most of the era with his pen. The first part of this article is written by wang xiaobo, which naturally leads to the greatest feature of wang xiaobo's writing. The second part is focu s on black humor, wang and his black humor for concrete, and introduces the black humor is t he use of a departure from the traditional narrative technique, using absurd joke express social distortion; The third part introduces wang thought connotation of black humor, which is the c ore part of this article, the depth of the excavation of wang-xiaobo is how to express right thro ugh his work on creating distortion and suppression of desire and human needs, and how wan g by seemingly illogical, humorous expression for his time resistance; Last part analyzes wan g in the form of black humor wang narrative manner, thus deeper effectively show wang critic al awareness focusing on reality.

Key words: Wang Xiaobo; The golden age; Black humor; Critical awareness

目 录

1 绪论 1

1 .1 王小波的创作概述 1

  1. 王小波作品的黑色幽默 1
    1. 王小波黑色幽默的特点 2
      1. .1 特殊的幽默风格 2

2.1.2 “反英雄”式的人物 2

2.1.3 “反小说”的叙事结构法 3

    1. 王小波黑色幽默的思想内涵 3
      1. 对当时不正当社会风气的批判 3

2.2.2 对陈规旧俗压迫的反抗………………………………………………….................. 4

2.2.3 对自由以及自己梦想的追求 5

3 王小波黑色幽默的表现手法…………………………………………………................. . 7

3.1 反讽叙事手法的运用…………………………………………………................. . 7

3.2 后现代叙事手法的运用…………………………………………………................. . 7

结论 9

致谢 10

参考文献 11

1 绪论

1.1 王小波创作概述

1969 年,在全国性的知青上山下乡运动中,年仅 17 岁的王小波带着了自己的行李,远离家乡,前往云南参与知青下乡的运动。17 岁正当年轻,满怀着对未来的憧憬,浑身充满着激情告别了父母亲人,踏上了云南这块美丽的土地,在云南插队工作的那段时间给青年王小波留下了深刻的印象,其成名作《黄金时代》就是以这段时间的经历作为背景编撰而成的,王小波的处女座《地久天长》更是以这段时间为灵感来源。

1974 年王小波去了山东省牟平县青虎山插队,后期做了老师,在那个时期王小波的最早期作品《绿毛水怪》,《战福》就是那个时候创造的。

1978 年王小波报名参加高考,考取了人民大学,毕业后赴美匹兹堡大学读研究生,留学期间周游欧美各国,开拓了眼界,为后期写作风格的不断完善起着重要的作用。

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