
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要






Rattan flower Pavilion on the taboo words in "Shuowen Jiezi"


In ancient life, taboo occupies an important place, and it also has a great influence on people's life. Taboo research in Song Dynasty was an important period in the history of the research on taboo, taboo about the content of the many works, have important significance for us to understand the taboo.

Taboo is a branch of knowledge, and the study of taboo can be traced back a long time ago. Taboo words, along with Chinese culture, are the crystallization of national culture and an important achievement of cultural research that can not be ignored.

This article on the taboo words daxu edition system "Shuowen Jiezi" in summary, classification and search, from the vine flower Pavilion "Shuowen Jiezi" taboo word type investigation, conditions of taboo words, this version of the problem see blossom "Shuowen Jiezi" vine from taboo characters to explore these questions. And then get the Song Dynasty taboo research results, show the people at that time for the use of taboo words and thinking. It is hoped that the study of the implementation of the Song

Dynasty will be helpful.

Key words: rattan flower Pavilion; daxu edition; ShuoWenJieZi; taboo words

目 录

前 言 .- 1 -

1 大徐本系统《说文解字》概述 .........................................................................- 2 -

1.1 避讳的概念和《说文解字》 .....................................................................- 2 -

1.2 大徐本系统《说文解字》特点 .................................................................- 3 -

1.2.1 收字范围很广 ..................................................................................- 3 -

1.2.2 首创分析文字结构的理论和方法 ..................................................- 3 -

1.2.3 创立部首编排文字的方法 ..............................................................- 3 -

1.2.4 丰富的古字和古义 ..........................................................................- 3 -

1.2.5《唐写本说文解字木部笺异》 .......................................................- 4 -

2 藤花榭本《说文解字》避讳字类型考察 .........................................................- 5 -

2.1 宋代皇帝名讳情况统计 .............................................................................- 5 -

2.2 避讳字采用缺笔避讳方式 .........................................................................- 5 -

2.2 以帝王名讳用字为构件缺笔避讳 .............................................................- 6 -

2.2 避讳字的同音字或者是以该避讳字为构件的字亦避讳 .........................- 6 -

2.3 以圣贤名讳用字缺笔避讳 .........................................................................- 7 -

3 藤花榭本《说文解字》避讳字产生条件 .........................................................- 8 -

3.1 心理因素 .....................................................................................................- 8 -

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