
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要




《龙龛手镜》内容的传抄讹误,并将传抄时出现的问题加以整理、分类、总结, 并从字音、字形、字义等方面加以论述,阐释对后代字书产生的负面影响。


A Study on The Copying Erorrs of Citation to

Longkanshoujing in Sishengpianhai


Longkanshoujing 龙龛手镜 is an important calligraphy book in Liao and Song dynasties, this book has collected a wide range of calligraphy, rhyming dictionary, Buddhist sutras written text and a variety of Buddhist sutras audio and semantic materials. It is of great value in the study of common characters, the interpretation of literature, and the development of Chinese characters.

Sishengpianhai 四声篇海 is a large dictionary based on the combination of Yupian

玉篇, Leipian 类篇, Longkanshoujing and other calligraphy books. It received a large number of miscellaneous words, include the income of a large number of different characters and rare words, and it innovates the method of Chinese character retrieval, combine the radical and rhyme arrangement. The book is gaining in importance with the development of the research on the form, sound and meaning of characters and the

development of the research on the interpretation of difficult and trivial characters. However, there are many problems in Sishengpianhai. One is that there are a lot of inaccuracies in quoting the content of calligraphy books such as Longkanshoujing, it is extremely unfavorable to the use of Sishengpianhai, and it has had the negative influence to the correlation writing and the calligraphy research. Although people have proofread some of the inaccurated characters in the process of combing Sishengpianhai, there are still many problems in word selection because of the lack of comprehensive and systematic collation and the proofreading is not rigorous.

This subject makes a comparative study of the part of Longkanshoujing cited in Sishengpianhai and the handed down Longkanshoujing. Found contents of the miscopied from Sishengpianhai quoted from the contents of Longkanshoujing by using the knowledge related to philology, phonology and exegesis, etc. Discussing the problems in copying and to sort out, classify and summarize them,explain the negative impact on future generations of calligraphy.

Key words:Sishengpianhai;Longkanshoujing;errors

目 录

  1. 绪 论 1
    1. 解题 1
    2. 本课题研究现状 2
    3. 本课题的研究意义 3
    4. 研究方法和步骤 4
  2. 字形方面存在的传抄讹误 5
    1. 笔画问题 5
      1. 增添笔画 5
      2. 缺减笔画 6
    2. 部件问题 6
      1. 部件减少 7
      2. 部件改变 7
    3. 杂糅的情况 9
  3. 字音方面存在的传抄讹误 10
    1. 反切有误 10
      1. 反切上字有误 10
      2. 反切下字有误 10
    2. 直音有误 12
    3. 直音与反切不分 13
    4. 注音脱文 13
  4. 字义方面存在的传抄讹误 14
    1. 释义中的字形讹化 14
    2. 释义夺字衍字问题 14

3.2.1 夺字 14

3.2.2 衍字 16

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