
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要



  1. 国初第一词人 1
    1. 显赫的纳兰家族 1
    2. 短暂而灿烂的一生 1
  2. 纳兰性德词的风格类型 3
    1. 哀感顽艳、凄清真切:相思情愫与伤逝悼亡之作 5
    2. 悲凉落寞、苍凉清怨:别离伤痛与羁旅炎凉之作 6
    3. 自然超逸、悲感伤情:自然风光与塞外景致之作 7
    4. 苍凉慷慨、朴实意切:咏史怀古与酬朋赠友之作 8
  3. 纳兰性德词风的成因探析 11
    1. 纳兰明珠对纳兰性德的影响 11
      1. 重视满汉文化的交融 11
      2. 重视纳兰的求师交友之道 11
    2. 爱情与婚姻对纳兰性德的影响 12
      1. 求而不得 12
      2. 痛苦遭遇 13
      3. 擦肩而过 14
    3. 仕途经历对纳兰性德的影响 14
      1. 羁旅行役 14
      2. 别离幽恨 15

结 语 16

参考文献 17

致 谢 19

摘 要




Nalan Xingde's Ci-poetry covers a wide range, and its style is famous for its sadness, stubbornness and sincerity. Nalan's words have always been loved by the world .This article is divided into three parts:the first chapter deals with Narancid's family background and lifetime. Nalan Xingde's family was distinguished, rich and honorable, and his good family background and strict education combined with Nalan Xingde's talent and intelligence made him official to Kangxi's first-class bodyguard,

and his poetry collectors were popular among pepole. Nalan was keen and eager to learn all his life. He was good at both literature and martial arts. Since the Northern Song Dynasty, he was only one person. The second chapter discusses the artistic style of Nalan Xingde's Ci. Nalan's Ci is rich in content and changeable in style. This chapter divides Nalan's Ci into four categories according to its content: Acacia and Mourning for the Dead, Separation from Pain and Detention, Natural Landscape and External Scene, Singing History, Remembering Ancient Times and Rewarding Friends. By analyzing these poems, we can see that Nalan Xingde's poems have the artistic style of sadness and stubbornness, desolation and plainness.The third chapter focuses on the formation of Nalan Xingde's Ci style. This paper mainly analyses Nalan's eminent family background, strict family education, tortuous love experience, miserable marriage life, and ruthless career experience. It also analyses the influence of these factors on Nalan's ci-poems and the formation of various styles.

Key words: Nalan Xingde; Ci Poetry;Style of Art;Cause




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