
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要

《枕草子》是日本平安时期女作家清少纳言的随笔集,主要是对日常生活的观察和随想,取材范围极广。日本的平安时代被称为“美的时代”,这个时代的审美被誉为后世日本审美的源头,《枕草子》是平安时代文学“美”巅峰之作, 集中地体现了那个时代的“美”。本文从作者的生平与其创作的联系入手,探究时代背景,职业和女性角色对作者文学创作的影响。进而从审美的角度对枕草子的内容进行解读。同时从色彩、意象和物哀三个方面分析《枕草子》中的美学思想。基于以上的内容,本文还通过对《枕草子》的研究,对清少纳言的深入了解, 从作者女性所特有的温润而细腻的触角,探索出《枕草子》别样的自然与美学, 寻找出《枕草子》中的“美”的根源。最后,还从创作形式和创作理念方面阐述了《枕草子》的后世影响。


An analysis of the aesthetic thoughts in "pillow grass"


"Pillow" is a Japanese writer qing ran less safe period of essays, mainly is the observation of the daily life and thoughts, based on a wide range. Japanese heian period was known as the "beauty", in this era of aesthetic is known as the source of the later Japanese aesthetic "pillow" is the heian era literature peak "beauty", embodies the "beauty" of that era. In this paper, from the links of the author's life and creation, to explore the era background, occupation and female characters for the authors of literary creation. Then from the Angle of aesthetic interpretation to the content of the pillow. At the same time from the color, the imagery and content has three aspects analysis of aesthetic thoughts in "pillow". Based on the content of the above, this paper is based on the research of the "pillow", to the deep understanding of the qing dynasty ran less, from the author's peculiar to women, moist and smooth tentacles, explore "pillow" unique nature and aesthetic, to find out the "pillow", "beauty" in the root. Finally, also expounded from the aspects of creation form and the creation concept "pillow" of later generations.

Key words:Sei Shonagon;Pillow;Fresh and crisp;Aesthetics Theory;Influence

目 录

引言 .. - 1 -

1. 作者的生平与其创作的联系 ......................................... - 2

1.1 平安时代对清少纳言创作的影响 .................................... - 2

1.2 女官的职业给予她创作的源泉 ...................................... - 2

1.3 女性视角给予她的独特感受 ........................................ - 3

2. 从审美的角度对枕草子的内容进行解读 ............................... - 5

2.1《枕草子》书名的由来 ............................................. - 5

2.2《枕草子》清新明快的内容 ......................................... - 6

2.2.1 类聚章段:耐人寻味的各项事务 ............................. - 6

2.2.2 随想章段:清丽婉转的自然景物 ............................. - 7

2.2.3 日记章段:充满趣味的宫中生活 ............................. - 7

3.《枕草子》中美学思想的体现 ............................................. - 9

3.1 绚丽丰富的色彩——以紫、白为例 .................................. - 9

3.2 清新明快的意象——以雪、梅为例 ................................. - 10

3.3“物哀“美学思想的传承 .......................................... - 11

4.《枕草子》对后世的影响 ................................................ - 14

结语 ................................................................... - 16

致谢 ................................................................... - 17

参考文献................................................................ - 18


日本的平安时期是各方面都繁荣兴盛的盛世王朝,该时期的政治、经济、文化各方面发展都欣欣向荣。在文化方面,这个时代一改奈良时代“崇尚唐风”的文化,转而发展为“和风文化”,出现了“唐风衰,和风起”的发展态势。这个时期的文学作品有一大特色,即“假名写作”。不管是和歌的创作、物语的创作还是日记和随笔创作,都使用了“假名写作”。在 4 世纪中旬,汉字取代日本神代文字①,成为日本主流的表记方式。而到了平安时代,假名表记的流行表明了日本人民对于文化主体意识的逐渐重视。


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