
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要

东野圭吾是当代日本推理小说家,他凭借《放学后》,《嫌疑人 X 的献身》,《白夜行》等推理小说,在亚洲其他国家及地区也带动起一股“东野圭吾”风潮,一时间成为推理小说的代名词。相对于日本纯文学的研究,国内学者对东野圭吾的研究仍然处在初始阶段。本文主要以东野圭吾的推理小说作品为研究对象,阐释日本人对推理小说钟爱现象以及其对东野圭吾作品的潜在影响,从而展现东野圭吾“写实本格派”的写作风格。通过结合东野圭吾的作品,分析其中的内容特征,从人性的角度剖析东野圭吾的推理作品, 对恪纯人性的敬意,对至恶人性的愤怒,对女性社会处境的悲悯,对执念者的同情,对人性隐私面的尊重以及对纯真人性的守护。从中总结出东野圭吾推理作品中的人性的具体的三个表现,坚毅执着的人性,两面三刀以及爱慕虚荣的人性特点,并通过对人性意识的解读来探索东野圭吾作品中造成人性扭曲的原因,把扭曲的人性表现归结于家庭环境的影响,自然灾害的迫害以及社会制度的侵害这三个方面,其间结合了荣格相关的心理学原理来对人性进行分析。通过媒体评价以及目前东野圭吾作品的影视状况,总结了东野圭吾作品的影响并从中得到对人性意识的启迪,对社会的人性拥有新的体悟与感 受。

关键词:东野圭吾 日本 人性意识

Human consciousness in Keigo Higashino's works


Higashino Keigokeigo is a contemporary Japanese reasoning novelist, with his "after school", "suspect x commitment", "white night" mystery novels, in other Asian countries and regions also drive a shares "Higashino Keigokeigo" trend, a time become synonymous with mystery. Compared with the study of pure literature in Japan, the research on Higashino Keigokeigo is still in the initial stage. This paper mainly to Higashino Keigokeigo reasoning novels as the research object, the interpretation of the Japanese mystery novels love phenomenon and its potential impact on Higashino Keigokeigo works and to show now Higashino Keigokeigo "realistic and original school" style of writing. Through the combination of Higashino Keigokeigo works analysis in which the content features, from the point of view of human nature analysis Higashino Keigokeigo reasoning works, of Ke pure human respect, and to the wicked of anger, compassion for women social position and sympathy for the obsession of, on the surface of human nature of privacy respect and guardian of the pure nature of. Summarized from Higashino Keigokeigo reasoning works in human specific performance of the three, persistent human duplicitous and vanity of human characteristics, and through interpretation of the human consciousness to explore Higashino Keigokeigo works caused by distortion of human nature and the distorted humanity performance due to the influence of family environment, natural disasters of persecution and against the social system these three aspects, during which the combination of the Jungian psychology principle to analyze human nature. Through the media and the Higashino Keigokeigo works of film and television situation, summed up the Higashino Keigokeigo works and obtains the Enlightenment of human consciousness from, of social human nature have new understanding and feelings.

Key words:Keigo Higashino Japanese The humanity consciousness

目 录

前言 . - 1 -

一、东野圭吾的生平与其创作之间的联系............................................................................................. - 2 -

(一)、日本人热衷推理的情结与东野圭吾创作之间的联系....................................................... - 2 -

(二)、东野圭吾推理作品获奖与其创作之间的联系................................................................... - 2 -

二、从人性角度对东野圭吾作品的内容进行解析................................................................................. - 4 -

(一)、对恪纯人性的敬意............................................................................................................... - 4 -

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