
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要

《湖光山色》是一部以描写乡村生活和人性嬗变为主的小说,小说展现了乡村生活中男权视野下女性的风采,成功地塑造了楚暖暖这一女性形象。本论文则将重点研究楚暖暖这个具有现代农村妇女特征的形象,她是一个现代农村妇女, 虽是个土生土长的农村人,但却有着现代女性的思维。本文从研究暖暖性格的角度入手,并把人物性格与古代“五行”金木水火土中五种物质表现出来的特性联系在一起,分别从讲义气的金型人性格、怀仁心的木型人性格、有智慧的火型人性格、懂礼数的水型人性格、重信用的土型人性格等五个方面对楚暖暖这个人物形象进行分析。通过研究,使我们能够更充分地了解暖暖作为现代农村妇女的本质特征,并且为了使楚暖暖这一人物形象更加深刻,本文还将她与男权膨胀的詹石磴、旷开田这两个男人进行对比分析,把楚暖暖不畏权势、勇往直前、维护乡村道德文化等高尚品质表现出来。形成她这样性格的原因来源于作者的情感以及小说的叙事策略。小说正是通过塑造楚暖暖这样一位智慧与美貌并存的现代农村妇女形象,为中国现代文学注入了新鲜的血液。此外《湖光山色》中浪漫主义与现实主义写作手法的完美结合,也为小说增色不少。


"On" in a landscape of lakes and mountains and causes the warm image


The landscape of lakes and mountains is a novel to describe the main country life and the transformation of human nature, the novel shows the country life in male dominated perspective under the women 's style, succeeded in shaping the Chu warm the female image. This paper will focus on the study of the characteristics of the modern rural women Chu Chu image, she is a modern rural women, although it is a native of rural people, but there are modern women's thinking. In this paper, starting with from the angle of warm personality, and the character and the ancient "five lines of" metal, wood, water, fire and soil five kinds of material performance characteristics of contact together, respectively, from the sense of obligation and the gold character, wood type character of bosom benevolence, wisdom of the fire character, to understand courtesy of water-based character and credit of the soil character and so on five aspects has carried on the analysis to the character of the Chu warm. Through the research, we can more fully understand the warm as the essential characteristic of modern rural women and in order to make Chu warm the characters more profound, this paper will also with her male expansion Zhan Shideng, spacious open field the two men were compared and analyzed. The Chu warm without fear of power, courage, maintain rural moral culture and noble quality performance out. The cause of her personality is the emotion of the author and the narrative strategy of the novel. The novel is the modern rural women's image, which is created by the wisdom and beauty of Chu, which has injected fresh blood into Chinese modern literature. In addition to the "perfect" in a landscape of lakes and mountains of romanticism and realism of the combination, also for the novel considerably.

Key words: "A landscape of lakes and mountains"; Warm image; Cause of formation; Image value; literary merit

目 录

一、前言 1

二、暖暖形象分析 3

(一)火型人性格 3

(二)土型人性格 5

(三)木型人性格 7

(四)金型人性格 8

(五)水型人性格 9

三、暖暖形象形成原因 12

(一)从作者的角度看 12

(二)从叙事策略的角度看 13

四、形象价值及作品文学史价值 15

(一)形象价值 15

(二)文学史价值 15

五、结语 17

致 谢 18

注释 19

参考文献 20


周大新是新时期的一位平民作家,他的作品以反映平民故事与平民人生为基础,他用他的笔写出了充满爱国主义、英雄主义的军旅小说,写出了充满悲观情调的都市小说,更是写出了充满情怀的乡村小说,“我的笔一直写生我养我,给我快乐也给过我痛苦的南阳盆地。在这块古老而又新奇,贫穷而又丰饶的土地上, 我找到了属于自己的文学道路。”【1】正是因为周大新对南阳盆地的了解,才能塑造出如楚暖暖、邹艾等这样一系列具有乡土气息的小人物形象,为中国现当代文学的发展做出了贡献。而周大新作品所体现出来的价值就更加证明了周大新个人价值的所在,之所以在乡村小说上有这么大的成就归功于他的不断尝试,荣获茅盾文学奖的《湖光山色》就是对他给予的最大肯定,其中授奖辞写到,“周大新的


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