
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要






Research on Part of Argot and Jargon Coming into Common National Language


Argot and jargon are secret languages of confidentiality, communication and exclusiveness. They are created on the purpose of internal communication,group development and to avoid external discovery by some social groups. Part of argot and jargon comes into common national language is a language evolution phenomenon.

In this paper, statistical method, grouping analysis method and example method are adopted. I retrieval words from two corpus representing the common language and argot and jargon and select words from argot and jargon coming into common national language. In the view of above, I can research the phenomenon that part of argot and jargon coming into common national language. This paper is trying to learn the reasons,ways, types and laws of part of argot and jargon coming into common national language.

On the theoretic level, its research result no only has its unique linguistic value, but also contributes to the development of sociology, linguistics, folklore culture, criminal investigation.

From a practical point of view, its changing law can guide new words into common national language better and maintain the purity of the common national language.

KEY WORDS: part of argot and jargon comes into common national language, common national language, language evolution


0.绪论 - 1 -

0.1 研究对象 - 1 -

0.2 选题依据 - 1 -

0.3 研究现状 - 2 -

0.4 研究方法 - 3 -

0.5 研究意义 - 4 -

1.隐语行话通用化的历程 - 5 -

2.隐语行话通用词的类型 - 5 -

2.1 市语 - 5 -

2.2 犯罪隐语 - 6 -

2.3 行话(多见于现时亦存在的行当) - 6 -

2.4 秘密社会隐语 - 7 -

3.隐语行话通用化的途径 - 7 -

3.1 由方言进入民族共同语 - 7 -

3.2 由文学作品及其他途径进入早期白话并进入民族共同语 - 8 -

3.3 其他团体出于刑侦、研究的目的对已破译词的刻意使用,最终进入共同语 - 8 -

4.隐语行话破译的原因 - 9 -

4.1 隐语行话使用团体的扩大,消亡,地域化 - 9 -

4.2 外界的自觉介入及破译 - 10 -

5.隐语行话通用化的原因 - 11 -

5.1 隐语行话与共同语有相同的文化基础与思维模式 - 11 -

5.2 隐语行话通用词之所指依旧存在或者仍旧具有影响力 - 11 -

5.3 隐语行话通用词在隐语行话阶段即被频繁使用,固定在使用主体的语言习惯中

- 12 -

5.4 通用词在破译后由语言习惯而扩大并受到普遍的使用 - 12 -

5.5 刻意使用 - 12 -

6.隐语行话通用化的规律 - 13 -

6.1 通用化集中的范围 - 13 -

6.2 通用化词的使用情况 - 13 -

7.结论 - 14 -

致谢 - 15 -

参考文献 - 16 -

附录(隐语行话通用词表) - 17 -


0.1 研究对象

隐语行话,是一种民俗语言现象,众位研究者对其命名颇有争议 , 或称为“隐语”、“犯罪隐语”或谓作“隐语行话”、“秘密语”等等。固有莫衷一是之嫌,然笔者所采是曲彦斌的说法。他如此陈述理由:“我主张根据有关用语的使用频率约定俗成的原则和从对象事实出发,比较起来,似应采用‘隐语行话’这个合成式用语。其中的‘隐语’与‘行话 ’,在语义和所指对象上相互交叉,具有互补和互相限定的功能,似比其他用语更具科学性,并且语义明了,易为人接受。”[1]


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