
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要


1 前言 - 1 -

1.1相关背景及概念 - 1 -

1.2相关研究进展 - 2 -

2 《竹山词》中遗民情怀的具体内涵 - 3 -

2.1 漂泊离乱,亡国苦痛 - 3 -

2.2 今非昔比,怀念故国 - 4 -

2.3 香草美人,抱节守志 - 5 -

3 蒋捷遗民情怀成因 - 7 -

3.1 蒋捷的家世 - 7 -

3.1.1 一门五牧 - 8 -

3.1.2 理学的家学传统 - 8 -

3.1.3 忠君爱国的传统 - 9 -

3.2 蒋捷生平及个人经历 - 9 -

3.2.1 生平事迹 - 10 -

3.2.2 交游情况 - 11 -

3.3 社会环境 - 12 -

4 蒋捷遗民情怀对后代影响 - 14 -

4.1 阳羡词派 - 14 -

4.2 浙西词派 - 15 -

结 论 - 17 -

参考文献 - 18 -

致 谢 - 19 -






Jiang Jie, together with Wang Yisun, Zhang Yan, Zhou Mi, was known as the ‘Four Master of Song’ in the southern Song Dynasty. As a subject of the Former Dynasty, Jiang Jie witnessed the alternation of the two dynasties. However, he kept his moral principle and refused to submit to the new country. His mental state, which is the aim of research, was reflected in his Zhu Shan Ci-poetry and praised by the critics in the later generations. This article adopts the method of searching literature to conduct a comprehensive study.

This paper is divided into five sections. The first chapter is the introduction and this part will sort out the research background and relevant achievements of the study of Jiang Jie’s mental state. Also, the concept of ‘subject of Former Dynasty’ will be regularly defined. The second chapter will elaborate the ideological implication on the basis of the Zhu Shan Ci-poetry. By compared a certain number of Jiang Jie’s poetries, the mental state in Zhu Shan Ci-poetry can be divided into three points. First, Jiang Jie’s long vagrancy and pain. Second, Jiang Jie’s deep loyalty to his former country. Third, his persistence in pure and noble spirit and moral principle. The third chapter will trace the causes of Jiang Jie’s mental state of the Former Dynasty and explore the meaning and inevitability of his life choice by discussing Jiang Jie’s family background, personal life and experiences and historical environment. The forth chapter will discuss the impact of Jiang Jie’s mental state on later generations. Take Yangxian Ci School ang West Zhejiang School of Ci Poetry for example.The last chapter is the conclusion which gives a general overview of Jiang Jie’s life experience. The meaning of mental state in his life and poetry creation will also be talked about in this chapter.

Keywords:Jiang Jie; Zhu Shan Ci-poetry;feelings of being an adherent of a former dyansty





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