
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要


前言 1

一、人物身份的象征——马 4

二、人物精神的象征——鸟 7

三、人物命运的象征——花 9

结语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13





Hardy deliberately applies substantial images in the nature to add permanent artistic charm of this novel. This thesis, thus, attempts to explore the significance of the use of images in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by analyzing animal images, plant images, color images and other images from the principles of semiotics to interpret how Hardy manifests Tess’s tragic destiny more distinctly and vividly. This thesis comprises an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The introduction gives a brief introduction of Hardy, as well as a literary review of Tess of d’Urbervilles and expounds the critical perspective of Archetypal Criticism. The body part chooses animal, plant to deep analyze. This thesis uses horse, birds as representatives of animal images, which indicate the turnover of Tess’s life trace and gradually enter the lifeless abyss. The plant images including rose, strawberry and white flowers. Those plant images seem to be symbols of beauty and love on the surface, while actually impose tragedy upon Tess. Though above analysis, the author drew the following conclusions: Firstly, all sorts of recurring images in the text have its particular connotations. These images are heralds of twists and turns of Tess’s path of life and imply her tragic fate, creating a profound effect on symbol and implied meaning to intensify the tragic atmosphere of its tragedy and the tragic fate of character. Secondly, the natural imagery portrays the pure personality and intricate inner world of the heroine. Thirdly, it not only highlighting the theme of the novel, but reflects the writer’s pessimism by using the elements of semiotics to analyze the potential meaning of these images. Besides, the work will be impressed by its tragic effect and artistic appeal.

Key Words: animal images, plant images,elements of semiotics



一般来说,国外对《德伯家的苔丝》的当代研究发展主要涉及三个方面:一些评论家从主题出发研究其内涵,如约翰·奥尔卡姆在《从哈代到劳伦斯的自然小说》中就把这一主题归结为对维多利亚时代社会背景的批判。他认为,苔丝悲剧的根源可以归结为社会转型期苔丝的不忠:“《德伯家的苔丝》被认为是哈代现实主义小说转型时的颠峰之作。哈代所强调的是与那个特殊的社会背景截然相反的观点,同时暗藏着对资本主义控制下的社会的批判。”[1] 在当时妇女失节是为人所不齿的,更别说再嫁;另一位评论家切瑞尔·格劳特菲尔蒂则将小说的主题总结为“钱就是过渡社会的一切”,因为正是苔丝家庭的经济压力导致了后面一系列悲剧的发生,而整部小说的中心也是对资本主义的批判。而如今“金钱至上”的观念似乎更加根深蒂固,何其幸,又何其不幸!

在《德伯家的苔丝》中,也有很大程度上蕴含了象征主义内涵,因此对这一领域的研究也是络绎不绝。生态女性学教授科汀认为,“《苔丝》中象征主义起了一个至关重要的作用,尤其是环境描写的象征意义。”[2]环境描写本就渲染氛围,加上象征手法更是深化主旨,引人入胜。劳伦斯·布埃尔也说:“和移动符号一样,哈代也使用静态符号暗示苔丝的性格和命运,在深深打动读者的同时感受审美影响与魅力。”[3] 他们都认为象征主义的运用对苔丝纯洁性格的刻画有很大的影响。

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