
 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


1绪论 1

1.1研究目的及意义 1

1.2研究方法 1

1.3文献综述 1

1.3.1对外汉语修辞学理论研宄概况 2

1. 3. 2对外汉语修辞教学研究概况 2

2现代汉语修辞格理论 4

2.1现代修辞学研究理论 4

2. 1. 1修辞格定义 4

2. 1. 2修辞格运用的原则 4

3汉语修辞格偏误分析理论及偏误分析理论概述 6

3.1偏误分析理论 6

3.1.1偏误分析理论定义 6

3.1.2偏误分析理论在我国的发展 6

3.1.3偏误分析的意义 7

3.1.4偏误出现的原因 7

4 HSK动态语料库作文以及汉语桥选手辞格运用情况及偏误分析 8

4.1 HSK动态语料库作文修辞运用偏误分析 8

4.2 “汉语桥”大学生中文比赛选手修辞格运用偏误分析 13

5来华留学生修辞格运用现状原因分析及改进策略 16

5.1来华留学生修辞格用现状及原因分析 15

5.1.1来华留学生修辞格使用现状 15

5.1.2学生自身因素的影响 15

5.2对外汉语修辞教学特点改进对策 15

5.2.1对外汉语修辞格教学的特点 15

5.2.2改进对策 16

6结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21


对外汉语修辞教学作为一种跨文化的言语交际教学,也是汉语教学不可缺少的一环,既有语言教学的一般规律,也保持了对外汉语修辞教学的特点。然而在实际教学中,却出现修辞教学明显滞后于汉语语音、语法、词汇的教学的现象。一方面,教师未掌握教授修辞学方法或是无意识地教授,并未强调解释,造成留学生在修辞知识上的欠缺。另一方面,大部分高级阶段教材都极少涉及修辞,而这最终会影响到留学生的汉语听、说、读 、写各项能力的发展。因此,本文以广义修辞学为理论依托,结合偏误分析理论,将HSK动态语料库、汉语桥选手口语表达偏误情况作为语料进行分析偏误,总结偏误出现的原因,探讨对外汉语修辞教学的重要性以及如何提高对外汉语中高级阶段修辞教学的具体操作。本文第一部分为绪论,主要对国内外修辞格的理论,修辞格研宄现状、对外汉语修辞格教学内容现、修辞格与对外汉语教学的关系等进行说明。本文第二部分将具体解释说明具体修辞格,以及修辞偏误的含义与分类。本文第三部分针对HSK动态作文语料库200篇,汉语桥十六届参赛选手在演讲环节的偏误表现情况进行具体分析。本文的第四部分将根据语料分析结果进一步分析偏误出现的原因以及教学策略。本文通过定量的数据分析,总结其在口语与写作表达中出现的偏误,并将上述偏误的成因分为主观和客观两个部分,各部分又包含了不同因素,最后根据这些因素,为对外汉语教师教学活动的展开以及教学策略的制定也提供了良好的借鉴与参考。



Rhetoric is an indispensable part of verbal communication and an important part of language teaching.Rhetoric, as an indispensable part of Chinese teaching, lags behind the teaching of Chinese phonetics, grammar and vocabulary.On the other hand, very few textbooks in the advanced stage have the introduction of rhetoric, which will ultimately affect the cultivation and development of Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities of international students.Therefore, this paper takes the generalized rhetoric as the theoretical basis, combines the error analysis theory and HSK dynamic corpus, analyzes the source of errors, discusses the importance of rhetoric teaching in TCSL. The first part of this paper is the introduction, which mainly explains the theories of figure of speech at home and abroad, the research status of figure of speech, the teaching content of figure of speech as a foreign language, and the relationship between figure of speech and teaching Chinese as a foreign language.The second part of this paper will explain specific figures of speech and the meaning and classification of rhetorical errors.In the third part of this paper, witter will analysis the result of the 16th Chinese bridge contestants.The fourth part of this paper will analyze the reasons and improvement strategies according to the results.In this paper, through quantitative analysis of data, and summarizes its errors in spoken and writing English, and the cause of the errors can be divided into two parts. Finally, according to these factors for the spread of teachers teaching Chinese as a foreign language activities, and teaching strategy formulation also provides a good reference and reference.

Key words: HSK;"Chinese bridge";Figures of speech;Rhetoric teaching;advice

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