
 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


引言 1

1 少数民族文化概述 2

1.1少数民族文化发展历程 2

1.2丰富多彩的少数民族文化 2

2 我国少数民族文化在对外汉语教学中的重要性 4

2.1对外汉语教学中文化传播的价值 4

2.2少数民族文化传播的地位 4

3 对外汉语教学中少数民族文化传播面临的困境 6

3.1少数民族文化的发展现状 6

3.2目前没有针对少数民族文化教学的教材 6

3.3教师队伍匮乏且部分对外汉语教师教学能力不足 7

4 少数民族文化在对外汉语教学中的传播策略与建议 9

4.1在传播策略方面要专注异同、循序渐进 9

4.2关于对外汉语少数民族文化教材的开发 9

4.3树立文化自觉的意识 10

4.4提高对外汉语教师的少数民族文化素养及专业知识能力 11

结 语 13

参考文献 14

致 谢 16





At present, under the international background of globalization, China's comprehensive national strength has been improved, and the influence of Chinese language in the world has continued to expand. Chinese language teaching has always been the fundamental attribute of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Language, as the carrier of culture and the tool of cultural communication, has been closely related to each other in history. In the process of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, there are various forms of cultural exchange. The most important thing in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is to train foreign students'cultural communicative competence. Therefore, the only correct choice is to establish a multi-cultural position. Because of the unique address style and local customs and other factors in ethnic minority areas, many splendid and long-standing characteristic cultures have been derived in ethnic minority areas, attracting the fascination of many foreign friends. Ethnic minority culture is a unique resource in ethnic minority areas, which has its unique development advantages compared with other atypical areas. The dissemination of minority culture in teaching Chinese as a foreign language is conducive to the cultural inheritance of minority nationalities and the economic development of minority areas. It is also conducive to promoting the further development of teaching Chinese as a foreign language by incorporating it into the research system of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Through a simple study of minority culture, this paper further analyses the importance of minority culture dissemination in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and the current dilemma of minority culture dissemination, and puts forward its own views and suggestions on the strategies and methods of minority culture dissemination in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

Key words: teaching Chinese as a foreign language; minority culture; cultural communication; cultural teachin;


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