
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要

电视谈话节目起源于西方广播谈话节目,是一种主要围绕着谈话而组织起来的表演。作为一种公众性电视节目已经存在了五十多年,是当今很多电视节目中的主要节目样式。国内电视谈话节目起源于 1996 年上海电视台播出的《东方直播室》。电视节目名称是电视节目带给观众的第一印象,关乎到该档节目的受关注度,其引导和宣传作用不可小觑。论文主要通过网络平台搜集了从 1996 年电

视谈话节目面世之初到 2017 年 3 月出现的包括央视、省级卫视和城市电视台在

内的 238 个电视谈话节目名称。在此基础上,运用语言学的相关理论知识并借鉴前人的研究方法和研究成果,从以下几个方面来展开论述:一、对电视谈话节目类型进行概述;二、从语言内部因素和节目本体因素来分析电视谈话节目的命名理据;三、从语音、词汇和语法角度研究电视谈话节目名称的内部结构;四、具体探讨电视谈话节目名称的修辞特点。


Research of Domestic TV talk Shows’ naming ABSTRACT

TV talk show originated from the Western radio talk show, which is a show mainly arranged by a conversation . As a public television program, it has existed for more than 50 years and it is the main type of a lot of television programs now. The Oriental Live Room in Shanghai TV station produced in 1996 was regarded as The beginning of domestic TV talk shows . The first impression which TV programs bring to their audience is their names, related to the range of attention of the programs. Therefore, the effect of its introduction and publicity can’t be overlooked. This paper has collected 238 TV talk shows’ names from 1996 since TV talk show appeared to March. 2017, including provincial TV,CCTV and city TV by network. Based on above-mentioned linguistic data, this paper has applied theories of linguistics and referred to research methods and achievements of predecessors to launch illustration from four aspects. Firstly, summarize types of domestic TV talk shows; Secondly, explore the theoretical basis of naming from the factors of linguistics and program itself. Thirdly, analyze internal structure of TV talk shows’ names from the perspectives of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar. Fourthly, discuss characters of rhetoric of TV talk shows’ names.

Key words: TV talk show; theoretical basis of naming; internal structure; characters of rhetoric

目 录

引 言 .- 1 -

1 电视谈话节目类型概述.........................................................................................................- 2 -

1.1 何为电视谈话节目........................................................................................................- 2 -

1.2 电视谈话节目分类........................................................................................................- 2 -

2 电视谈话节目名称的命名理据.............................................................................................- 3 -

2.1 语言内部因素................................................................................................................- 3 -

2.2 节目本体因素................................................................................................................- 4 -

2.2.1 反映节目基本信息............................................................................................- 4 - 以主持人名嵌入.......................................................................................- 4 - 以谈话场所构成.......................................................................................- 4 - 以播放时间和时长为主...........................................................................- 4 -

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