忍辱负重 顽强呼吸——论迟子建《群山之巅》中的辛开溜形象毕业论文

 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要

迟子建在小说《群山之巅》中描绘了一群小人物,她以小人的命运遭际为线, 刻画了形象各异的小人物形象。她认为:小人物是文学的珍珠。迟子建小人物创作的显著特点是表现民间小人物的自由自在及其生命尊严。本文选取小说中的辛开溜作为典型人物进行研究,从辛开溜独特的人物形象入手,探索辛开溜这样一个逃兵在残酷的生活中顽强生存的人物形象,研究其形象在小说中结构和主题方面的重要作用,了解作者塑造这一人物形象的重要意义。本文将发掘辛开溜身上的人性之光,展现小人物身上的真善美,呼吁当今社会对于平民英雄的关注,讴歌辛开溜忍辱负重、顽强呼吸的生命精神,见证小说中小人物的生命尊严和人性光辉,从而对我们认识当今社会中的小人物产生一定的思考。


Bear disgrace and a heavy burden breathe stubbornly

——discuss Xin kailiu’s characters in lt;Top of the mountainsgt; of Chi Zijian


Chi zijian depicts a group of nobody in the novel lt;Top of the mountainsgt;, she chooses the fate of the villain as the line, portrayed the image of the different characters. She says: nobody is the pearl of literature. Chi Zijian tends to write folk freak and freedom of life when she describes the little people. In this paper, we choose the unique image of Xin kailiu as a typical people to study and explore the "Xin Kai Liu" such a deserter in the brutal life of bite the bullet, tenacious breathing figure, to study its image in the novel and the important role of the subject to understand the importance of shaping the image of the characters. This paper will explore the human nature of the glory, to show the truth of the little people who call the people of today's society for the attention of civilians heroes, praised his bite the bullet, tenacious breathing spirit of life , We will witness the novels of the dignity of the characters and human glory, so that we know the little people in today's society have some thinking.

Keywords: Chi Zijian; Top of the mountains; Xin kailiu’s characters

目 录

前 言 .. - 1 -

1.悲情而不悲观的辛开溜形象...................................... - 1

1.1 忍辱负重的一生........................................... - 2

1.1.1 凄苦的童年 ......................................... - 2

1.1.2 不幸的青年 ......................................... - 2

1.1.3 悲情的晚年 ......................................... - 2

1.2 顽强呼吸的一世........................................... - 3

1.2.1 温情的老人 ......................................... - 3

1.2.2 旧货节的“创始人” ................................. - 4

1.2.3 永远的战士 ......................................... - 4

2.辛开溜形象的作用.............................................. - 5

2.1 全文的线索............................................... - 5

2.2 主题的响应者............................................. - 6

3.辛开溜形象的文学意义.......................................... - 8

3.1 塑造了经典小人物形象..................................... - 8

3.2 呼吁对历史英雄的关注..................................... - 9

结 语......................................................... - 11

致 谢......................................................... - 12

参考文献....................................................... - 13

前 言

迟子建,中国著名女性作家。著有长篇小说《伪满洲国》、《白雪乌鸦》、《额尔古纳河右岸》等,其中《额尔古纳河右岸》荣获茅盾文学奖;2007 年,她又凭借中篇小说《世界上所有的夜晚》第三次获得鲁迅文学奖。迟子建从 1983 年开始

创作,至今发表作品超过 600 万字,她的部分作品在海外出版,流传甚广,是当代中国具有广泛影响力的女性作家之一。

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