
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要

侦探小说几乎可以分为两部分:欧美派,以及日本侦探小说。侦探小说起于美国, 在英国兴起,最后在日本大行其道。而在日本,侦探小说又被称为推理小说。日本推理小说流派众多:本格派、新本格派、社会派、悬疑派等。很多人都将东野圭吾的作品分为本格派,但后期东野圭吾的作品风格更多样化,并不能单单以本格派来概括他的作品。后期作品大多接近社会派,具有明显的工科性质,经常涉及高科技杀人,因此东野圭吾是难以界定派别的推理小说作家。《神探伽利略》这本典型的工科推理小说,每一话都有存在一个物理原理,主人公汤川通过解决这一个个物理难题来帮助刑警破案。这本小说中不仅仅是单纯的案件推理,更多的是体现案件中的悲剧性,通过悲剧来反思当时糟糕的日本社会情况。在校期间对工科知识的学习、毕业之后的工作经历、对推理小说的热爱„„这些都是东野圭吾成功创作出《神探伽利略》的重要因素,也为东野圭吾在推 理小说界取得一定地位奠定基础。


An analysis of tragedy of Higashino Keigo novel, ' Detective Galileo '


Detective story can be divided into two parts: Europe, as well as the Japanese detective fiction. Detective fiction in the United States, in Britain, the last popular in Japan. In Japan, also known as the mystery of detective fiction. Japanese mystery novels many genres: the original, the new original, the social, the suspense, etc. Many people divide novels of Higashino Keigo into the original, Higashino Keigo wild style, but more diverse, not only in the original sent to survey his work. Later works are mostly closer to society, nature has significant engineering and often involve high-tech killing, so Higashino Keigo is difficult to define the spectrum of mystery writers. The typical engineering, Detective Galileo mystery novels, each word has a physical principle, The protagonist solve these physical challenges to help police solve the case. The novel is not just a simple case-based reasoning, more embodies the tragic in the case, through the tragedies to reflect on the bad social situation in Japan at that time. In the school of engineering knowledge learning and work experience after graduation, the love of mystery novels ... ... Higashino Keigo I managed to create a wild, these are the important factors of the detective Galileo also lay the Foundation for Higashino Keigo in the world of mystery novels achieved some status.

Key words:Higashino Keigo ;Mystery novels; tragedy; engineering nature physics

目 录

前言 .. - 1 -

1《神探伽利略》的创作背景 ....................................................... - 2

1.1 科学知识 ............................................................... - 2

1.2 文学知识 ................................................................ - 3

1.3 社会背景 ................................................................ - 4

2 小说中悲剧性的体现 ............................................................ - 6

2.1 人际关系的冷漠 ......................................................... - 6

2.2 人性的堕落............................................................. - 7

2.2.1 错误的爱情观 ..................................................... - 8

2.2.2 极端的人生观 ..................................................... - 8

2.2.3 盲目的金钱崇拜观 ................................................. - 9

3《神探伽利略》中悲剧性的来源 .................................................. - 11

3.1 社会动荡 ............................................................. - 11

3.2 家庭关系冷漠.......................................................... - 11

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