
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要

J.A.贝克是 20 世纪中后期的一位自然主义作家,他短暂的、不为人所知的生命里, 仅仅完成了两部著作,但是他的自然观在其代表作《游隼》中充分展现。在英国传统回 归田园的自然书写逐渐式微的时代背景下,J.A.贝克用一本观鸟日志描述了他观察两只 游隼的经历,通过比喻生动、充满张力的散文式写作,在复制景观之余传达出细腻深刻 的主观感触,完成了人与鹰的完美契合;不仅仅描写了纯粹自然中的美与永恒,更在户 外行走和亲近自然中完成知行合一的生命写作。

J.A.贝克是自然的体验者,是自然的崇拜者,他以独特的视角和情怀欣赏大自然, 赞美大自然,对游隼生活的细致观察展现了 J.A.贝克自然观的纯粹;作品中洋溢着对自然之美的赞颂,无论是极具生机与活力的游隼,还是原始荒凉的自然环境,都饱含着作 者的深情;这些归根到底是永恒的,这种永恒源自于人与自然的生命共同体关系——人 是自然的一部分,应当以一种温柔的姿态融入永恒的自然。

J.A.贝克的自然观对于英国自然文学的发展起到承上启下的重要作用,对于目前的 自然环境问题也有鲜明的时代意义。此外,作品中独特的孤独特征,可以给当代社会极 大的启发。


Beauty and eternity in pure nature

–J.A. Baker natural view in “The Peregrine”


J.A. Beck, a naturalist writer in the mid and late twentieth Century, has completed only two works in his short, unknown life, but his view of nature is fully displayed in his masterpiece, the peregrine falcon. In the background of the gradual decline of natural writing in the British tradition, J.A. Beck described his experience of observing two peregrine falcons with a bird watching log, and conveyed a delicate and profound feeling through the vivid and tension prose writing, and completed the perfect fit between the eagle and the eagle. It not only describes the beauty and eternity of pure nature, but also completes the life writing of knowing and doing together in outdoor walks and close to nature.

J.A. Beck is a natural experience and a natural admirer. He appreciates nature and praises nature with unique perspectives and feelings. The meticulous observation of the life of the Peregrine shows the pure nature of J.A.; the work is full of praise of the beauty of nature, whether the Peregrine and the original desolate. The natural environment is full of the author's deep feeling; in the final analysis, it is eternal. This eternity is derived from the relationship between man and nature - man is part of nature, and it should be integrated into the eternal nature in a gentle manner.

J.A. Beck's view of nature plays an important role in the development of British natural literature, and has a distinct significance for the present natural environment. In addition, the unique characteristics of loneliness in the works can give great inspiration to contemporary society.

Key words:J.A. Baker;The Peregrine;natural view;

目 录

  1. J.A.贝克自然观的历史生成 . - 1 -

1.1 J.A.贝克自然观生成的个人因素 .................................................................................................. - 1 -

1.2 J.A.贝克自然观生成的文化语境 .................................................................................................. - 3 -

2 J.A.贝克《游隼》中自然观的文化内涵 ................................................................................................. - 6 -

2.1 J.A.贝克眼中纯粹的自然............................................................................................................... - 6 -

2.2 J.A.贝克眼中美的自然................................................................................................................... - 7 -

2.3 J.A.贝克眼中永恒的自然............................................................................................................. - 10 -

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