
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要


前言 3

一、《许三观卖血记》原著与电影的基本情况 4

  1. 作家余华与小说《许三观卖血记》 4
  2. 韩国导演河正宇与电影《许三观》 4

二、原著与电影改编的比较 6

  1. 故事背景的差异 6
    1. 中国解放初与韩国战争后 6
    2. 小说中的计划经济体制时期 7
    3. 电影中被删除的大跃进和文革时期 7
  2. 人物形象塑造的差异 8
    1. 人物对话的差异 8
    2. 人物性格的差异 11
    3. 人物关系设置的差异 12
  3. 叙事结构的差异 14

三、差异形成的原因 15

  1. 历史背景不同 15
  2. 主题不同 15

结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18


余华是一位具有重要地位的中国当代作家,《许三观卖血记》是他的代表作之一。他的作品描写现实,体现出于形式探索更为感人的力量,这部作品还曾经入选过“九十年代最具影响的十部作品”。余华的作品给不同国家的广大读者带来了感动,引起了热烈的反响,获得过中外多种文学奖。在韩国,余华的作品也受到广泛的关注,韩国导演河正宇正是在余华的影响下,于 2014 年改编拍摄了




Yu hua is an important contemporary Chinese writer, and "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

His works describe the reality, and

" is one of his representative works.

embody the more moving power in the form of exploration. This work has also been included in the "ten most influential works of the 1990s".Yu hua's works have moved many readers in different countries and have received enthusiastic responses. He has

won many literary prizes at home and abroad.

In South Korea, Yu hua's works also

received extensive attention, and the South Korean’s director Ha Jung Woo arranged and filmed the " Chronicle of a Blood Merchant ”in 2014 under the influence of Yu hua, and was strongly concerned by the audiences of both China and South Korea.In this paper, we make a careful comparison between the book "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant" and the movie "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant ", and discuss the differences in the background of the story, the shaping of the characters, and the narrative structure. Because of the stories of the book "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant" and the movie " Chronicle of a Blood Merchant " take place respectively in different periods of time between China and South Korea, and there are huge differences in culture and background. Both of them have a great difference in character dialogue, personality shaping, and relationship setting. The movie's original content was reduced in size, and it also leads to the lack of important means of

repeated narratives.

The article will compare the different effects and values created by the two different carriers of the novel and the movie through the comparison of

es, in order to give a better interpretation of the original article "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant " and differences between movie "Chronicle of a Blood Merchant".

these three parts,

with the value analysis of the causes of the

formation of differenc

Key words: Yu Hua; "Chronicle of a blood merchant"; Ha Jung Woo; Comparative study; difference


长篇小说《许三观卖血记》是中国当代作家余华 1995 年创作的,是他转型时期的作品,这部作品以平实而又深刻的言语关注着人的命运,感悟着人类的生存及灵魂,具有现实主义色彩。电影《许三观》由韩国导演河正宇,基于余华的文学作品《许三观卖血记》改编拍摄而成,影片为家庭温情主题,电影中体现着更多的韩国元素、韩国特色。

电影与原著在诸多方面都有着显著的差别,因此出现了不少对两部不同艺术形式的作品进行比较的研究。这些研究主要有三类,第一类是分析《许三观卖血记》原著与电影差异的原因。刘辉卉的《从〈许三观卖血记〉到〈许三观〉—— 不同文化领域下的电影改编》1指出不同的国籍必然有着不同的文化背景;池成远的《lt;许三观卖血记gt;——从小说到电影》2,指出韩版电影《许三观》是另一种文化下的叙事尝试。第二类是分析电影与原著的艺术表现手法,申永镐在《管窥韩国电影lt;许三观gt;的叙事特征》3中指出韩国电影《许三观》将原著黑色幽默、重复叙事等艺术表现手法和电影艺术的特殊表达方式巧妙地捏揉在一起。第三类为探究电影相比原著的缺失,张引在《许三观的银幕“回归”——韩版lt;许三观gt; 改编的突破与局限》4中指出电影因为时间长度和内容宽度的限制,基本无法展示小说的全貌和细节。

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