
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要

《乱世佳人》是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的长篇小说,小说以斯佳丽与白瑞德的爱情纠葛为故事主线,生动重现了在林肯领导的南北战争时期,美国南方地区的社会全貌。《白夜行》是日本作家东野圭吾创作的长篇小说,也是其代表作,故事以日本泡沫经济时期为背景,围绕着唐泽雪穗与桐原亮司的爱情悲剧展开。《白夜行》和《乱世佳人》分别塑造了两个深入人心的女性形象:唐泽雪穗和斯嘉丽,她们一个是日本推理小说对当时日本社会部分女性的真实写照, 一个是美国文学史中被奉为经典的女性形象,从文学的角度看,她们分别代表着东西方文学对女性的典型审美;从文化的角度看,这两部作品都可以站在女性主义批评的视角解读。在两部作品对其女主人公形象鲜活的塑造之下,不仅讲述了发生在她们身上故事,同时也折射出她们所处时代的社会全貌。本篇论文以《白夜行》与《乱世佳人》的女主人公形象作为主要的研究对象,并从人物所处的时代背景的对比以及对人物自身对比的角度出发,进行详细的研究和分析,从而找出东西方文学对女性描写的不同特征及要求和东西方文化在女性主义上的不同立场。


A comparative study on the image of the heroine between "Journey under the Midnight Sun" and "Gone with the Wind".


"Gone with the wind" is the American writer Margaret Mitchell creation of novels, which with the Scarlett and Rhett’s love entanglement as the story line,that lively reconstructs the social panorama in southern areas of the United States in the civil war under the leadership of Lincoln. "Journey under the Midnight Sun" is a Japanese writer of tolo keigo creation of novels, as well as the representative works, the novel is set in Japan's bubble economy period, around the love tragedy between Karasawa Yukiho and Kirihara Ryouji. "Journey under the Midnight Sun" as a representative of the Japanese literature and "Gone with the Wind" as the representative of western literature , both of them created two female images respectively which are deeply rooted in the hearts of people:Karasawa Yukiho who is a Japanese mystery novels of the Japanese society of women, and Scarlett who is the image of a woman enshrined in the history of American literature. From the literary point of view, they respectively represent the eastern and western literature on typical female aesthetic; From a cultural perspective, both works can be viewed from the perspective of feminist criticism.In two works, the vivid portrayal of the heroine's image not only tells the story of them, but also reflects the whole society of their time.This paper makes the two heroine images as the main object of study, and makes a detailed research and analysis from the character of The Times background of the contrast and the character itself comparative perspective,so as to find out the different describition and requirement towards female characteristics of east and west literature and the different position of the feminism in eastern and western culture.

Key words:Gone with the Wind, Journey under the Midnight Sun, Comparison of heroine image

前 言

“我的天空里没有太阳,总是黑夜,但并不暗,因为有东西代替了太阳。虽然没有太阳那么明亮,但对我来说已经足够。凭借着这份光,我便能把黑夜当成白天。我从来就没有太阳,所以不害怕失去。”这是写在《白夜行》书腰上的话, 也是《白夜行》的女主人公唐泽雪穗的内心阐述。在阅读《白夜行》的过程中可以发现,东野圭吾在这本小说中多次提到唐泽雪穗喜欢看的一本世界名著《乱世佳人》,唐泽雪穗从年少的时候就非常喜欢看《乱世佳人》,她很欣赏斯佳丽并对她所拥有的高贵富裕的生活非常向往,而且可以发现唐泽雪穗受斯嘉丽这个人物的影响,在性格上或其他某些方面,她们拥有很多相似的地方,但又因为身处社会环境的不同和身份地位的不同造成她们结局的不同。本文主要通过对唐泽雪穗和斯佳丽自身以及其经历和时代背景的比较,简要论述两位女主人公背后所代表的东西方文学之间的异同点以及深挖出更深刻的现实意义。

现阶段,国内外很多学者都对美国长篇小说《乱世佳人》中的女主人形象进行了研究,并且涌现出大量的研究成果:很多学者都认为斯嘉丽是美国南北战争时期一个普通又特殊的人物,她是美国南方一个普通庄园主家的小姐,拥有大家公认的美貌,身上有着"高傲自负"、"刚愎自用"、"倔强任性"、"贪图虚荣"、" 激愤妒忌"、"冷酷残忍"、"唯利是图"等上层社会被娇惯的缺点,但她又不同于以往美国传统的南方妇女,她敢于反抗封建礼教,想冲破所谓上流社会的禁锢, 不惧世俗去追求属于自己的爱情、事业,不可否认其身上拥有属于自己独特的性格魅力。同时,国内外诸多学者也对《白夜行》进行了相应的研究,并得出了很多研究成果。在日本推理小说大师东野圭吾的笔下,唐泽雪穗无疑是个充满争议性的人物,她拥有天使的外貌,但是却被称为"穷极魔性之女"。她能够将"权力" 与男性玩于股掌之中,她代表着日本女性对男权社会的反抗,她身上的悲剧蕴含了作者对当时日本社会的讽刺与抨击,表达了作者对社会制度变革的希冀与呼吁。


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