
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要


  1. 前言 1
  2. 男狐形象的创作背景 2
    1. 狐形象的人性化 2
      1. 中国狐形象 2
      2. 外国狐形象——以日本为例 3
    2. 蒲松龄的现实处境 4

3《聊斋志异》中的男狐形象 5

    1. 男狐之狐少年 5
      1. 明眸皓齿,赏心悦目 6
      2. 温润如玉,重情重义 6
      3. 禀性难移,白玉微瑕 6
    2. 男狐之狐青年 7
      1. 古灵精怪,兼具憨态 7
      2. 无由祟人,自取其祸 7
    3. 男狐之狐叟 7
      1. 温文儒雅,合乎礼数 8
      2. 博洽多闻,与人为善 8
      3. 通天彻地,妖性犹存 9
  1. 男狐形象的解析 9
    1. 男狐形象于《聊斋志异》的意义 9
      1. 以狐为友,寻觅知音 9
      2. 以狐为迹,推动故事 10
      3. 以狐讽实,寄寓情感 10

结 论 12

参考文献 13

致 谢 14

摘 要




In the fantasy garden of Pu Songling, Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, there are people with different postures and distinctive characters, ghosts, demons, and demons. The long-lasting nature is the foxes with different characteristics and different personalities. . The research on fox in "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" has mostly been carried out around the image of many classic foxes that Pu Songling has created. The innocent and innocent baby, the gentle and kind-hearted Xiaocui, the understanding of the red jade, these charming, looking forward-looking The fox woman is undoubtedly an important element in the spiritual garden built by Pu Songling. However, Pu Songling not only describes the fox girl, but also depicts the male fox. There are about 80 chapters covering the story of fox in Liaozhai, and there are more than 20 chapters in the male fox. Although the frequency of male foxes in Liaozhai is lower than that of foxes, it still has important status and literary significance. Not only because the male fox is a breakthrough of Pu Songling's image of the fox, but also because the male fox image reflects the ideological concept and spiritual world of Pu Songling to a considerable extent. It is not difficult to see that the male foxes in Liao Zhai are mostly good at people and love to fight against each other. This article deeply interprets Pu Songling from the background of male fox image creation, the image of male fox in "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" and the analysis of male fox image. The connection with the male fox image, combined with historical documents and the social era in which Pu Songling was located, further explores the emotions and ideals of Pu Songling’s body in the male fox, breaks the boundary between reality and ideal, and explores the existence of the male fox image. The true meaning.

Key words:Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio; Pu Songling; image of male fox;fantasies

1 前言

蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》一出世便是万口传诵的志怪小说,鲁迅甚至以“明末志怪群书,大抵简略,又多荒怪,诞而不情。《聊斋志异》独于详尽之外,示以平常,使花妖狐魅,多具人情,和易可亲,忘为异类”1 对其进行高度评价。《聊斋志异》里谈狐话鬼、千奇百怪之事无所不有,都渊源于民间的异闻传说,在相当程度上反映着蒲松龄所处生活时代的社会矛盾,同时其熔铸蒲松龄的思想观念、精神世界,寄托民间百姓的情感与理想,确实可谓是中国古典小说中的专集之最著名者。

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