
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要


引 言 1

  1. 《寒冬夜行人》叙事艺术的传统性 4
    1. 民间故事的结构性回归 4
    2. “传奇”小说中断性的继承 5
  2. 《寒冬夜行人》叙事艺术的后现代性 7
    1. 元小说叙事 7
    2. 第二人称叙述 8
    3. 复调运用 9
    4. “时间零”的实验性探索 11
    5. 迷宫叙事 12
  3. 《寒冬夜行人》叙事艺术的现实价值 14
    1. 《寒冬夜行人》对现代文学叙事方式的影响 14
    2. 《寒冬夜行人》艺术革新影响在中国现当代的体现 16

小 结 17

参考文献 18

致 谢 20




Calvino is one of the writers of post-modernism with the world-wide influence. In his later works, If in a winter night a traveler is one of his most successful works as an experimental novel. If in a winter night a traveler is a modern fable which rooted in the tradition of Italian national literature. Its solution to practical problems has the philosophical significance of apocalypse. It is the intersection of tradition and modernity that makes it a classic work of post-modernism research. Based on this novel, this paper analyzes the narrative arts in the novel, and analyzes the unique narrative techniques used in If in a winter night a traveler by combining the text of the novel and Calvino's concept of creation. Calvino's creation is famous for its non-traditional, its nonlinear space art is also reflected in the novel. The novel text uses many post-modernist narrative techniques, such as metafiction, parody, polyphonic, labyrinth pattern, etc. Calvino also practiced his ‘time’ in the novel. The idea of ‘Time zero’ is a modern fable, but rooted in the tradition of Italian national literature, through the series of incomplete novels with only the beginning of the main plot, choosing the box pattern to construct the whole book and dispelling the form of the text. At the same time, the researches of Calvino and his works make a wide influence in the world. Many chinese modern and contemporary novelists such as Wang Xiaobo and Canxue combined narration characteristics of Calvino with their works, and brought new power to chinese literature revolution. It has fully reflected the modern value of If in a winter night a traveler.

Key words:Calvino; narrative Art; Post-modernity; conventionality; modern value

引 言




作为卡尔维诺后现代主义经典之作的《寒冬夜行人》(又译《如果在冬夜, 一个旅人》)受广大学者关注,卡氏在该书中进行创作形式上的实验与创新,成为对卡氏研究中的一大学术热点。随着现代小说价值观念的变革与更新,对《寒冬夜行人》的研究渐渐由微入深,并受到国内外学者的高度重视。国内外众多评论家将其视作研究后现代主义叙事艺术的经典之作,对其所体现的作者、读者、叙述者等之间的关系进行深入分析。研究其体现的时代特征,从后现代主义视角出发剖析其独特的文学现象,具有创新型与实验性,并对构成作品的叙事艺术进行了大量的归纳和比较研究。

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