
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要

引言 5

  1. 困境中的挣扎成因 7
    1. 社会方面 7
    2. 个人原因 8
  2. 自我救赎的种种尝试 10 2.1 “狼性”与“人性” 10

2.2 酒神的狂欢 11

  1. 向死而生—最终的救赎 13
    1. 对立的两性 13
    2. 多元的小宇宙 14
    3. 不朽者的人生哲学 15
  2. 自我救赎的不同选择 17
    1. 《局外人》与《荒原狼》 17
    2. “人”与“狼”的自救哲学 18

结 论 20 参考文献 21 致 谢 22



《荒原狼》《东方之旅》《彷徨少年时》《玻璃球游戏》等,其作品表现了现代文明中个人的生存困惑,提出了个体人的自我完善以及人类克服战争与物质技术片 面化等重大问题。《荒原狼》是黑塞纪念 50 岁的毫不留情的自我告白,是作者诉说个人遭遇的作品,也是黑塞所处的第一次世界大战后的“时代本身的病态现 象”的记录。

论文主要由以下部分组成,具体如下:第一部分是绪论,这一部分将介绍国内外关于黑塞作品的研究现状以及本论文的研究内容、研究目的及意义、研究方法、论文的特色与创新。第二部分是困境中的挣扎成因。这一部分将联系作者本人的人生经历及当时的社会现状从时代问题、社会问题、个人婚姻问题、阶层问题及文化根源五个方面介绍主人公哈勒尔的内心之所以会有激烈的挣扎的原因。 第三部分自我救赎的种种尝试。从《荒原狼》哈勒尔的精神分裂的原因即现实与理想的落差入手,从哲学思想角度分析在哈勒尔的挣扎过程中的种种思想挣扎和自救的探索尝试。第四部分是向死而生—最终的救赎。这一部分将结合荣格分析心理学分析哈勒尔在经过各种尝试均失败的情况下,仍不放弃,坚持自救,并最终找寻到自救的方法即爱与信仰的过程,重点即对于“魔术剧院”所展现的种种情形的分析,突出哈勒尔在绝望中寻求信仰,实现超越的精神。第五部分是《荒原狼》与加缪的《局外人》的对比分析。第六部分是结语。该论文综合运用了历史主义、对比分析、荣格心理学等方法理论,将文本与理论结合,力图全面展现黑塞小说中的救赎思想。



Helmand Hesse is a Swedish German writer and poet. His main works include Peter Carmenqing, the Wolf of the Wild Land, the Journey to the East, the wandering Boys, and the Game of Glass Ball. His works show the perplexity of individual survival in modern civilization. The author puts forward some important problems, such as the self-improvement of the individual and the overcoming of war and the universalization of material technology. "the Wolf of the Wild Land" is the ruthless self-confession of Hesse who commemorates the age of 50, and is the work of the author who tells of his personal experience. It is also a record of Hesse's post-World War I "morbid phenomena of the times itself".

The paper is mainly composed of the following parts: the first part is th e introduction, this part introduce the domestic and foreign research status of Hesse's works, the research content, research purpose and significance o f this paper, Research methods, characteristics and innovation of the paper. The second is the cause of the struggle in the predicament. Itcontact the au thor's own life experience and the current social situation from the times, so cial problems, personal marriage issues, Class problem and cultural origin fi ve aspects of the protagonist Haller's inner cause of the fierce struggle.The part is the attempt of selfredemption. Starting with the reason of Haller's sc hizophrenia,the difference between reality and ideal, this paper analyzes all ki nds of ideological struggles and attempts of selfhelp in Haller's struggle fro m the philosophical point of view. The fourth is to die and livethe ultimate re demption. This part combine Jung's analytical psychology to analyze Haller's process of not giving up, insisting on selfhelp, and eventually finding a way of selfhelp, that is, love and belief, despite the failure of all kinds of attempts. The emphasis is on the analysis of all kinds of situations presented by Magi c Theater, which highlights Haller's spirit of seeking faith and achieving trans cendence in despair. The fifth part is a contrastive analysis of Wilderness W olf and Camus's outsider. The sixth part is the conclusion. This thesis combines the theories of historicism, contrastive analysis, Jung's psychology and so on, and tries to show the redeeming thought in Hesse's novels in an

all-round way.

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