
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要


前言 III

1. 王小波作品以描写小人物见长 ....................................... - 1

2. 《黄金时代》中小人物的形象分析 ................................... - 3

2.1 小人物的类型 ..................................................... - 3

2.1.1 小人物中反抗者类型 ......................................... - 3

2.1.2 小人物中官僚者类型 ......................................... - 3

2.1.3 小人物中顺从者类型 ......................................... - 4

2.2.1 反抗者的特点 ............................................... - 5

2.2.2 小官僚的特点 ............................................... - 8

2.2.3 顺从者的特点 ............................................... - 9

3. 小人物的形象塑造意义 ............................................ - 11

3.1 小人物形象的文学价值和历史价值 .................................. - 11

3.2 小人物的形象的影响及社会反思 .................................... - 11

结论 ................................................................... - 13

参考文献................................................................ - 14

致谢 ................................................................... - 15 -

王小波是当代文坛上一个著名的作家,他的作品不同于其他作家,有极强的个人特色。他的作品最大的特点就是笔下的小人物个性鲜明,他们或叛逆张扬, 或趋炎附势。他用幽默诙谐的语言赋予小人物以生机,使得他们的形象在读者的脑海中变得更加的饱满立体。王小波善于通过对小人物境遇的描写来披露社会现实,让读者从中看到文革背景下小人物虽身处困境但仍顽强抗争的韧劲以及荒谬社会下人性扭曲的一面。《黄金时代》主要讲述的是小人物“王二”在文化大革命时期与陈清扬的爱情故事,小说以“王二”为第一人称,用自述的方式为读者展示了那个时代下各类小人物的境遇。本文将从王小波的写作特点入手,着重分析他笔下小人物的类型和特点,挖掘小人物形象塑造的意义。



Wang Xiaobo is a famous writer in the contemporary literary world. His works are different from other writers and have strong personal characteristics. The greatest feature of his works is that the characters in his works have distinct personalities. They either rebel and publicize or tend to be inflamed and influential. He uses humorous language to give life to the little people, making their images more full and three-dimensional in the reader's mind. Wang Xiaobo is good at revealing the social reality by describing the situation of the small people, so that readers can see the tenacity of the small people who are still stubbornly struggling in the context of the Cultural Revolution and the distortion of human nature in the absurd society. The Golden Age mainly tells the love story between Wang Er and Chen Qingyang during the Cultural Revolution. The novel takes Wang Er as the first person and shows readers the situation of all kinds of small people in that era by way of self-narration. This article will start with Wang Xiaobo's writing characteristics, focusing on the analysis of the types and characteristics of the small characters in his works, and excavate the significance of the small characters'image creation.

Key words: Wang Xiaobo;Little Man;Golden Age


王小波是现当代文学史上极具影响力的作家,他的代表作品有很多,如《黄金时代》、《青铜时代》、《白银时代》、《一只特立独行的猪》等等。他的一生非常短暂,可以说是英年早逝,他于 1952 年出生于北京一个革命知识分子家庭,正值家庭突遇变故,这一突变对王小波造成了很大的影响。1968 年开始, 先后做过知青、民办教师、工人等等,这些经历在他的作品中大多可以看到它们的影子。1980 年与李银河结婚,同年发表了处女作《地久天长》。1984 年赴美学习,1988 年回国,并在大学任教,1992 年辞去工作,做了自由撰稿人,1997 年逝世,年仅 45 岁。


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