
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要


  1. 前言 1
    1. 《羊的门》“草性精神”定义 1
    2. 《羊的门》“草性精神”起源 1
    3. 《羊的门》“草性精神”的发展 3
  2. 《羊的门》“草性精神”的表现 5
    1. 人物形象 5
      1. 忍耐:呼天成与孙布袋 5
      2. 野心:呼国庆与范骡子 6
      3. 精明:呼天成与呼国庆 8
    2. 故事情节 9
      1. 权衡:人场 9
      2. 服从:斗私 10
      3. 无助:学狗叫 11
    3. 地域文化 12
      1. 懦弱:迷信 12
      2. 斗争:官场 13
  3. 《羊的门》“草性精神”的影响 15
    1. 平原人的生存之道 15
    2. 呼家堡的未来 16

结 语 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

摘 要

李佩甫小说《羊的门》主要描写了呼天成如何运筹帷幄,将呼家堡一步步打造成远近闻名的“神话村”的故事。在平原上有很多的草,它们弱小、卑微、被人践踏;平原上也有很多的人,他们精明、知恩、谨小慎微的生存。草生土中, 人立草上。千百年间,这人也就变成了平原上的一株草。他们属于草根阶层,深植大地,盘根错杂。呼家堡就位于这样的一片土地上,而呼家堡的人们也就是这样一株株“植物”。《羊的门》中蕴含着独特的“草性精神”。




Li Peifu's novel The Gate of the Sheep mainly describes how Hu Tiancheng manages and strategizes the Hujiabao step by step into a famous ‘myth village’. There are a lot of grasses on the plains. They are weak, humble, and trampled. There are also many people on the plains. They are savvy, grateful, and cautious. In the grass, people lay on the grass. For thousands of years, this man has become a grass on the plain. They belong to the grassroots class, deeply rooted in the earth, and are intertwined. Hujiabao is located on such a piece of land, and the people of Hujiabao are such a plant ‘plant’, and the ‘gate of the sheep’ contains the special ‘grass spirit.’

This article is divided into three parts. The first part is the preface, which will be discussed from the definition, origin and development of the ‘grass spirit’. The second part is the performance of ‘grass spirit’, which is discussed from three aspects: character image, story plot and regional culture. Among them, the characters show the patience, ambition and savvy of the ‘grass spirit’; the ‘grass spirit’ which shows the trade-off, obedience and helplessness in the storyline shows the weakness of the ‘grass spirit’ in the regional culture. And fight. The third part is to analyze the influence of ‘grass spirit’, mainly from the perspective of survival and the future of Hujiabao; then draw conclusions.

Key words:The door of sheep;‘grass spirit’;Hu tiancheng;Hu guoqing




草本是顽强生命力的代表,它们虽然弱小却还是希望凭着自己的一己之力立足于这天地之间。正是有了“草性精神”,才让人们在这块“绵羊地”上繁衍生息。它包含的一些特点,例如精明狡猾、低贱、勾心斗角等都在呼天成等人身上表现的淋漓尽致。平原辽阔,放眼望去不会有高山茂林阻挡你的视线,然而你低下头,却是“野火烧不尽”的草,这些才是平原的生命所在。这些草的形状或长或宽,有的会开花有的会结果;花的味道或是单一的香或是复杂的熏人,结的果有的酸甜有的苦涩;甚至还有的草是带有毒性的。草是平原上最为低微的生物, 它们任人践踏,却还是生生不息。走在平原之上,风里刮来的味道蕴含男女老少, 跨越春夏秋冬,走着走着,你也变成了一株植物。



①洪治刚:《 “人场”背后的叩问与思考——论李佩甫lt;羊的门gt;》,《名作欣赏》2010,9。

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