
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要




the inheritance and innovation of Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio from the Legend of Tang Dynasty

in the portrait of females


The Legend of Tang Dynasty

is the first peak of

the literary history of ancient China, the story content and artistic form, the character image has a remarkable achievement. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is another peak after the Legend of Tang Dynasty in classical Chinese novel, the author Pu Songling in writing novels, is under the influence of the Legend of Tang Dynasty, in such aspects as the content of the subject matter for the Legend of Tang Dynasty inherited a further beyond again at the same time. Especially in the aspect of female image shaping, show a number to the readers Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio more and more vivid images of women in Chinese ancient novels on the female image of long added more wonderful.

In this paper, all relating to the female image in the Legend of Tang Dynasty and

Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio are used as the foundation, carries on the deep reading and analysis, and then emphatically from the portraits of women, expression and inheritance and transcendence of the Legend of Tang Dynasty reason these three aspects to research, compare both same and different in female image shaping, discussed in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is the succession and development of the female image of the Legend of Tang Dynasty. Through the and the inheritance relationship, helps us to further understand the female images in the classical Chinese novels in ancient China, further understand the evolution and the train of thought of development.

Key words : Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio the Legend of Tang Dynasty; Female Characters;Succession and Innovation

目 录

前言 1

一、女性群像方面的继承与发展 2

(一)在女性群像类别上对唐传奇的继承与发展 2

(二)作者审美取向上对唐传奇的继承与发展 4

二、表现手法上的继承与发展 8

(一)《聊斋志异》塑造女性形象在表现手法上对唐传奇的继承 8

(二)《聊斋志异》塑造女性形象在表现手法上对唐传奇的发展 11

  1. 善用侧面描写,使女性外貌美鲜活 11
  2. 美丑对照,使女性人格美凸显 11

三、继承与发展源于作者思想的变化 13


结 论 16

致 谢 17

参考文献 18

附录 A 19

附录 B 25



但蒲松龄又在继承的同时进行了发展,不仅创造性地运用侧面描写、夸张对比等写作技巧将女性的容貌、姿态、神情等活灵活现地再现在读者眼前,还赋予了女性各自独特的性格,使《聊斋志异》中数百位女性不再是第二个“崔莺莺” 或“红线”,而是各自拥有独立的灵魂与思想。本文即从女性形象出发,通过对

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