
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要

王晓方,辽宁沈阳人,生于六十年代,理学硕士,曾任沈阳“慕马大案”中巨贪马向东的秘书,现为职业作家。王晓方相信人的全部尊严就在于思想,他是一个敢于直面灵魂的人,却又自比一条躲在水里的鱼,因为鱼只有躲在水里才会最安全。凭借长篇小说《致命旋涡》 、《少年本色》 、《驻京办主任》系列小说等,一跃成为官场文学的代表作家之一。与90年代的主流官场小说呈现的情节单一化、人物简单化、创作模式化等特征不同的是,王晓方的官场小说将镜头聚焦在秘书这个一直以来为人忽略的角色,放弃了以“领导”为主角的一贯的写作角度,从另一个角度的曝光官场的潜规则、反映官场权力的角逐、描写官人宦海的风起云涌、揭露官场黑暗腐败的一面。目前,国内文学界对王晓方官场小说的研究热情随着我国反腐工作的推进以及政治的不断法制化、民主化、透明化日益高涨。秘书这个一直以来从事着幕后工作的角色随着时代的发展无论是在政界还是在商业正变得越来越重要,由此文学界对秘书的关注程度也日益提高。文学源于生活,王晓方以一杆笔,取材自己为原沈阳常务副市长马向东担任秘书期间的从政经历,写出反应官场黑暗面的官场文学。在王晓方作品中的秘书形象塑造得尤为真实,从秘书形象的外在塑造以及内心描写都有现实参考意义,给人留下深刻的印象。


The Study of the Characters of Secretaries in the

Officialdom Novels of Xiaofang Wang


Xiaofang Wang, Liaoning Shenyang people, born in 60s, master of science, former Shenyang "Muma case" Xiangdong Ma, Secretary for occupation writer. Xiaofang Wang believed that the whole dignity of man lies in thought. He is a man who dares to face the soul, but is better than a fish hiding in the water, for the fish are safe only when they are in the water. With the novel "fatal vortex", "juvenile character", "director of Beijing Office" series of novels, and so on, he has become one of the representative writers of officialdom literature. A single plot, character presentation and the mainstream in 90s officialdom novel simple and creative mode and other features is different, Xiaofang Wang officialdom novels have focused in this secretary has been overlooked role, gave up the "leadership" as the protagonist of the usual writing point of view, from the other side of officialdom exposure a view of the unspoken rule, reflect the official power competition, and expose the man described raging like a storm officialdom corruption. At present, the research enthusiasm of Xiaofang Wang Officialdom Novels in China's literature circles is advancing with the anti-corruption work of our country, and the legalization, democratization and transparency of politics are increasing day by day. The role of the Secretary, who has been working behind the scenes, is becoming more and more important in politics and business as time goes on, and the attention of the literary world to the secretary is increasing. Literature originates from life, and Xiaofang Wang takes his own pen as his former deputy mayor of Shenyang, Xiangdong Ma, as a secretary during his political career, and writes officialdom literature that reflects the dark side of officialdom. In the works of Xiaofang Wang, the image of the secretary is particularly true, from the image of the Secretary and the portrayal of the internal description of the practical significance of reference, and left a deep impression.

Key words:Xiaofang Wang;the Officialdom Novels;the Characters of Secretaries

目 录

1秘书形象的塑造手法 6

1.1主要人物与次要人物 6

1.2圆形人物与扁平人物 7

2秘书形象双重与统一的人格特征分析 9

2.1秘书人物性格特征的双重性 9

2.2社会身份的双重性 10

2.3爱情生活上的双重人格 11

2.4基于现实的统一体 12

3秘书人物命运的解读 14

3.1文本中主体的悲剧性 14

3.2职场中秘书人物命运的无间道 15

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