
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要


1 前言 - 1 -

1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.2研究现状、目的和意义 - 1 -

2 辛弃疾词中“山”意象类型 - 2 -

2.1 柔美妩媚之山 - 2 -

2.2 雄伟磅礴之山 - 3 -

2.3 奇奥博大之山 - 4 -

3 辛弃疾词中“山”意象的文学功能 - 5 -

3.1 抒发内心情感 - 5 -

3.2 充当一种审美媒介 - 6 -

4 辛弃疾词对传统的“山”意象的突破 - 7 -

结 论 - 8 -

参考文献: - 9 -

致 谢 - 10 -





Mountain is a common lyrical image in the classical poetry, it is one of the natural scenery of the ancient poet feelings embodies the, appear more mountain in xin qiji's ci image, this paper takes jiaxun ci as the main research object, firstly analyze the mountain imagery in classical Chinese literature, mountain imagery is the symbol of Chinese traditional scholars spirit connotation, is often used to show the value orientation of literati;The following analysis of the mountain image "soft beauty and charming mountain", a thousand shapes, lovable, at this time the word people to qingshan's feelings pure and natural;"Majestic mountains", tall and magnificent, extraordinary stand up, this stems from the heart of the words to restore the grand aspirations of the central plains;"The mountain of qiaobo", as the sage and hermits can cry, connects the mountains of qingshan to the mountains of the motherland, and creates a poem that shows the dignity of the nation.Zhongshan xin qiji word image has inner express poets and unappreciated by the grief mood, serve the motherland to do, at the same time, the mountain image in the ci also ACTS as an aesthetic medium, castle peak, as a kind of nature imagery, raised the spectre of qingshan beauty pursuit and yearning.At the end of this paper, we explore the breakthrough of xin qiji's words on the traditional mountain image. Xin qiji is good at combining mountains with historical materials, so that the emotional expression of the words is incisively and vividly.Patriotic poet xin qiji feelings for mountains always strong and full of, the author through the castle peak in the poetry images to express his to the country and the nation's passionate emotion, JiaXuan in given green variety of colors and emotions at the same time, also fully showed his unique hero ambition and patriotic pride.

Key words: Xin qiji;Mountain imagery;Utility;Aesthetic connotation

1 前言


一方面,历代古人看来,青山具有雄伟磅礴,胸怀万物的特点,因此文人常借助山意象来表达自己心胸得到涤荡和“凌绝顶”的强烈愿望,词人具有不怕艰难险阻的姿态,也有傲视一切的气概以及豪情壮志——风姿绰约独立于世,并且拥有兼济天下的情怀。 如 : 杜甫的《望岳》中,词人攀上泰山之巅,放眼连绵的群山,此刻群山在词人眼里如草芥般渺小。宋代的文人注重个人道德涵养 ,因此,文人对于山雄伟气概的品格更加推崇 。如 : 李清照在《渔家傲》 中想要借助大鹏抟九天的力量来吹取蓬莱、瀛洲、方丈三座山,“九万里风鹏”、“吹取三山”淋漓尽致的彰显了作者性情中的豪放和不羁的一面。 另一方面,高山又有沉稳坚定、厚重沧桑的特性,因此,它也被文人用来寄托自己浓厚的情感。 如刘禹锡的《西塞山怀古》,此时诗人由刺史调任和州,路途中经过西塞山,睹物生情,借助西塞山感叹历史兴亡,表达自己深沉的沧桑感。 欧阳修在《踏莎行》云:“平芜尽处是春山,行人更在春山外。”即使是春山阻隔,也隔不断思妇对征人的绵绵情思,这浓浓的情思将会一直伴随着征人远赴疆场,杀敌报国,此股情思哀婉欲绝,一往情深。如此,山意象已经是古人词作里寄托情感的不容忽视的意象了。


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