
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要



绪论 - 1 -

1. 徐州地名的命名方式 - 2 -

1.1以地理、地形或所在地区命名 - 2 -

1.1.1以所处方位命名 - 2 -

1.1.2以地貌特征命名 - 2 -

1.1.3以水文景观命名 - 3 -

1.2以人文历史命名 - 3 -

1.2.1以历史事件命名 - 3 -

1.2.2以市场、工商手工业命名 - 3 -

1.2.3以姓氏命名 - 4 -

1.2.4以民间传说、故事命名 - 5 -

1.3其他类型 - 5 -

1.3.1以植物命名 - 5 -

1.3.2以数字命名 - 5 -

2 徐州地名的文化内涵分析 - 7 -

2.1 反映历史文化的徐州地名 - 7 -

2.1.1 反映不同朝代的历史遗迹、历史变迁 - 7 -

2.1.2 反映美好的民间传说故事 - 7 -

2.1.3 反映古代军事活动 - 8 -

2.1.4反映经济活动 - 8 -

2.2反映社会文化的徐州地名 - 9 -

2.2.1反映人们的思想道德和美好意愿 - 9 -

3.徐州地名使用中的不规范现象及保护 - 11 -

3.1地名读音规范化方面的问题 - 11 -

3.2地名用字规范化方面的问题 - 11 -

3.3地名重复方面的问题 - 12 -

结 论 - 13 -

参考文献 - 14 -

致 谢 - 15 -






With the change of history, many geographical entities in Xuzhou have changed, but the symbol of place name has been handed down to this day, inheriting the ancient civilization of this old city. Xuzhou, as a cultural ancient city with a history of more than 4000 years, its place name are complex. Only by systematically researching it can we more deeply understand the cultural connotation contained in the place name and the cultural connotation of the city. This paper will study the place names of Xuzhou from the perspective of cultural linguistics. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part classifies Xuzhou place names on the basis of consulting the relevant literature and generalizes the naming methods of Xuzhou place names. The second part analyzes the cultural connotation of Xuzhou place names. Xuzhou place names reproduce Xuzhou's history and reflect the national cultural psychology of Xuzhou people's pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty. The third part analyzes some irregular phenomena in the use of Xuzhou place names and puts forward some suggestions. Through the interpretation of Xuzhou geographical names, it will be helpful to continue to promote Xuzhou place names’ cause and serve the social and cultural construction of Xuzhou.

Key words: Xuzhou place name; Cultural Linguistics; Cultural connotation


徐州市,位于江苏省西北部。地路东经116°22'-118°40'、北纬33° 43'-34°58'之间。[1]面积11258.3平方公里,常住人口9253万。徐州市下辖鼓楼、云龙、九里、贾汪、泉山5区和丰县、沛县4县及新沂、那州2县级市。2005年底,全市共14镇、43街道,下设2274村、403居委会。徐州城区面积18平方公里。城市主干道有准海路、中山路、解放路、建国路、西安路等。彭城广场、准海广场、徐州博物馆、云龙湖风景区为城市重要标志性建筑。[2]徐州交通发达,素有“五省通儒”之美称,是全国重要的交通枢组。院海、津浦两大铁路干线,京福、京沪、霍连、徐宿宁4条高速公里,104、206、311国道,构成全市陆路交通骨架,市到县全部通高等级公路,目前高速公路通车里程达300公里。



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