
 2021-04-03 12:04

摘 要


引言 - 5 -

1网络流行语的构成方式 - 7 -

1.1缩略词 - 7 -

1.1.1汉字缩略词 - 7 -

1.1.2字母缩略词 - 8 -

1.2谐音词 - 8 -

1.2.1数字谐音 - 8 -

1.2.2汉字谐音 - 8 -

1.2.3中英文组合 - 8 -

1.2.4音译外来词 - 9 -

1.2.5连读谐音 - 9 -

1.2.6谐音来源 - 9 -方言 - 9 -外语 - 10 -

1.3英汉混合词 - 10 -

1.4旧词新义 - 11 -

1.5格式流行语 - 11 -

1.6符号及表情包 - 12 -

1.6.1数字符号 - 12 -

1.6.2图形符号 - 12 -

1.6.3表情包 - 13 -

2流行语的来源及形成原因 - 13 -

2.1流行语的来源 - 13 -

2.1.1来自热点新闻的流行语 - 13 -

2.1.2来自影视音作品的流行语 - 14 -

2.1.3来自综艺的流行语 - 15 -

2.1.4来自社交平台的流行语 - 15 -网络游戏 - 15 -直播平台 - 16 -社交软件 - 16 -

2.2形成原因 - 17 -

2.2.1心理因素 - 17 -从众心理 - 17 -交际创新 - 17 -

2.2.2社会因素 - 17 -媒体营销手段 - 17 -社会大环境 - 17 -

2.2.3语言自身特性 - 18 -语言的渐变性 - 18 -语言的省力原则 - 18 -

3网络流行语的影响 - 18 -

3.1正面影响 - 19 -

3.1.1对媒体影响 - 19 -

3.1.2对个人影响 - 19 -

3.1.3对政府的影响 - 19 -

3.1.4对语言的影响 - 19 -

3.2负面影响 - 19 -

3.2.1对媒体的影响 - 20 -

3.2.2对个人的影响 - 20 -

3.2.3对语言的影响 - 21 -

4网络流行语的发展趋势及其应对策略 - 21 -

4.1发展趋势 - 21 -

4.2对策 - 22 -

结 论 - 23 -

参考文献 - 24 -

致 谢 - 25 -





This paper mainly analyzes the network buzzwords from 2014 to 2018, and studies the construction, formation reason, impact on life, development trend and countermeasures of network buzzwords. This paper divides the formation of network buzzwords into six categories: acronyms, homophonic words, English and Chinese mixed words, old words and new meanings, format buzzwords, symbols and emoticons. The forming sources can be summarized as buzzwords from hot news, film and television audio works, variety shows and social platforms. The forming reasons can be divided into three aspects: psychological factors, social factors and language characteristics. Network catchword have some positive and negative effects on media, individuals, government and language, positive impact is that they let the news language more flexible and vivid, popular, and help people through the expression of the buzzwords to ease the pressure of life and vent emotions. Besides, they close the distance between the government and the masses, promote the development of the language; The negative impact is that they has destroyed the original rigor and objectivity of news, caused some difficulties in communication, and destroyed the purity of modern Chinese. In view of these influences, this paper also puts forward to the judgment and countermeasures on the development trend of network buzzwords, such as the selection of healthy and value-oriented buzzwords by official platforms as norms, and the need for independent management and mutual supervision among various network platforms, and the conscious maintenance of network environment by network users.

Key words: Network buzzwords; Construction; Source and cause of formation; Influence; Coping strategies

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