
 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


第一章 绪论 1

第一节《三朝北盟会编》综述 1

一、 《三朝北盟会编》简介 1

二、 《三朝北盟会编》版本和本文语料选择 1

三、 《三朝北盟会编》的研究现状 3

第二节 汉语量词研究综述 3

一、 汉语量词的研究史 3

二、 汉语量词的发展和分类 4

第三节 本文研究的对象、目的和方法 7

第二章 《三朝北盟会编》的名量词描写 7

一、 个体量词 8

(一) 先秦量词 8

(二) 两汉量词 11

(三) 魏晋南北朝新兴量词 15

二、 集体量词 17

三、 度量衡量词 21

(一) 长度单位量词 21

(二) 容器单位量词 24

(三) 重量单位量词 25

(四) 地积单位量词 26

(五) 货币单位量词 26

四、 准量词 28

第三章 《三朝北盟会编》中量词的语法特点 31

一、 量词的词法特征 31

(一) 量词的重叠用法 31

(二) 量词的连用 32

二、 数量短语的语法特征 33

(一) 数量短语的语法形式 33

(二) 数量短语的组合能力 35

(三) 数量短语的句法功能 36

第四章 小结 38

参考文献 39

致谢 41




  1. 绪论。绪论部分主要介绍《会编》的研究现状,汉语量词的研究状况、以及本文的研究对象和研究方法。
  2. 《三朝北盟会编》的名量词描写,这是本文的主体部分。本部分对《会编》的个体量词、集合量词、度量量词等量词进行穷尽式地分类描写。在进行共时描写的过程中,关注量词本身的历时比较分析。部分量词还会按照组别进行共时对比。
  3. 对量词的语法形式和语法特点进行历时和共时的比较分析,概括出宋代量词在语法方面的发展特点。
  4. 结语。结语部分对《会编》所展现出来的汉语量词系统进行说明,概括汉语量词发展的一般规律和宋代汉语量词的具体发展特点。



Three Dynasties'Association of North Alliances(hereinafter referred to as "Association") is a historical work of the Song Dynasty. It records a large number of oral materials in the Song Dynasty, which is of great value to the study of oral English in the Song Dynasty. This paper mainly uses the exhaustive description method to analyze the use of Noun Classifiers in the book as comprehensively as possible, and tries to investigate the characteristics of the use of Noun Classifiers in the book. It is hoped that through the synchronic description and diachronic comparison of noun classifiers, the source and development law of Chinese Noun Classifiers can be explored, and some basic empirical materials can be provided for the study of Quantifiers in ancient Chinese.

The content of this paper can be divided into the following chapters:

The first chapter is introduction. The introduction part mainly introduces the research status of the book, the research status of Chinese classifiers, and the research object and method of this paper.

Chapter two describes the noun classifier in the compilation of the Three Dynasties'Association of North Alliances, which is the main part of this paper. In this part, the individual quantifier, collective quantifier and measure quantifier in Association are described in an exhaustive way. In the process of synchronic description, the diachronic comparative analysis of the additional quantifier itself. Some quantifiers are also compared synchronously according to groups.

Chapter three makes a diachronic and synchronic comparative analysis of the grammatical forms and grammatical features of classifiers, and summarizes the development characteristics of classifiers in the Song Dynasty.

Chapter Four is the conclusion. The concluding part explains the Chinese quantifier system in Huibian, and summarizes the development law of Chinese quantifier and the development characteristics of Chinese quantifier in Song Dynasty.

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