
 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


引 言 - 3 -

1 对外汉字教学现状 - 1 -

1.1对外汉字教学的现状 - 1 -

1.2对外汉字研究的现状 - 1 -

2 汉字文化的构成与汉字文化教学的必要性 - 3 -

2.1汉字文化构成 - 3 -

2.1.1汉字中的物质文化 - 3 -

2.1.2汉字中的制度文化 - 3 -

2.1.3汉字中的精神文化 - 4 -

2.2汉字文化教学的必要性 - 4 -

2.2.1汉字具有很高的地位 - 4 -

2.2.2汉字体现了中华文化 - 5 -

3 对外汉字文化教学的作用和方法 - 6 -

3.1对外汉字文化教学的作用 - 6 -

3.1.1提高学习效率 - 6 -

3.1.2减轻学习负担 - 6 -

3.1.3减少错别字的书写 - 6 -

3.1.4培养学习兴趣,弘扬中华文化 - 7 -

3.2汉字教学的方法 - 7 -

3.2.1利用汉字的造字法 - 8 -

3.2.2分析偏旁部首的文化含义 - 8 -

3.2.3融入文化故事 - 8 -

3.2.4利用汉字游戏教学 - 9 -

4 汉字字形习得偏误以及成因探讨 - 10 -

4.1汉字字形习得偏误分析 - 10 -

4.1.1汉字笔画的偏误 - 10 -

4.1.2汉字部件的偏误 - 11 -

4.1.3汉字整字的偏误 - 12 -

4.2 汉字习得偏误成因探讨 - 12 -

4.2.1学习动机 - 12 -

4.2.2学习态度 - 12 -

4.2.3学习策略 - 13 -

4.2.4学习环境因素和母语因素 - 13 -

结 论 - 14 -

参考文献 - 15 -

致 谢 - 16 -












The teaching of Chinese characters is an important part of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, which is of great significance to the dissemination of Chinese culture. In recent years, the international education of Chinese language has become more and more prosperous, and the research on all aspects of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has developed rapidly. Chinese character teaching is an important part of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and is an indispensable part of the whole teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. For many European and American learners from non-Chinese cultural circles, Chinese characters have become a bottleneck that seriously affects the learning of Chinese. At present, most Chinese characters teaching focus on the instrumental nature of Chinese characters, Chinese culture is often ignored. We notice that the research of Chinese character culture for teaching purposes and the application of Chinese character culture in foreign Chinese character teaching are relatively deficient. This paper is divided into four parts. It reads as follows:

At first,the introduction of this paper, including the relationship between Chinese characters and culture, the cultural composition of Chinese characters.

The first part:the present situation of Chinese character teaching and research in foreign countries.

The second part:the constitution of Chinese character culture and the necessity of integrating Chinese character culture into foreign Chinese character teaching.

The third part::the function and method of Chinese character teaching.

The fourth part: discusses the errors in the acquisition of Chinese characters from the three aspects of stroke, parts and whole characters, and analyzes the causes of errors in the acquisition of Chinese characters.

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