
 2021-04-02 11:04

摘 要


1 绪论 1

1.1 前言 1

1.2 判断句概述 1

1.2.1 判断句的研究现状 1

1.2.2 本文对判断句的界定及分类 2

1.3 《三国志》及《三国演义》语料介绍及研究现状 3

1.3.1 《三国志》语料介绍 3

1.3.2 《三国志》研究现状 3

1.3.3 《三国演义》语料说明 4

1.3.4 《三国演义》研究现状 4

1.4 研究方法 4

1.5 版本说明 5

2 《三国志》和《三国演义》中的无系词判断句 6

2.1 无系词判断句的结构形式 6

2.1.1 “hellip;hellip;者,hellip;hellip;也”式 6

2.1.2 “hellip;hellip;,hellip;hellip;也”式 7

2.1.3 “hellip;hellip;者,hellip;hellip;”式 8

2.1.4 “hellip;hellip;,hellip;hellip;”式 8

2.2 无系词判断句的使用频率 8

3 《三国志》和《三国演义》中的系词判断句 11

3.1 “为”字句 11

3.1.1 有关“为”字的分歧 11

3.1.2 系词“为”和动词“为”的区分 12

3.1.3 《三国志》和《三国演义》中“为”字句的使用情况 12

3.1.4 “为”字句最终未能成熟 13

3.2 “是”字句 13

3.2.1 “是”字的来源 13

3.2.2 系词“是”形成的原因 14

3.2.3 《三国志》和《三国演义》中“是”字句的使用情况 14

4 《三国志》和《三国演义》中的副词 16

4.1 副词在判断句中所起的作用 16

4.2 判断句中副词的运用 16

4.2.1判断句中的主要副词 16

4.2.2 重要副词用法分析 16

4.3 区分副词和其他能够修饰判断句的成分 18

4.3.1 形容词 18

4.3.2 助动词 18

4.4 否定副词“非” 19

4.4.1 关于“非”字的争议 19

4.4.2 《三国志》和《三国演义》中“非”字句的使用情况 20

5 结语 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 23





This article takes the two works of 'Records of the Three Kingdoms' and 'The romance of Three Kingdoms' as the corpus, and makes detailed statistics and investigations on the judgment sentences that appear in them. The article makes a detailed division of the judgment sentences from the form: according to the presence or absence of the lexicon, it is divided into the lexical judgment clauses, and the lexical judgment sentences are divided into four types according to different logo words. The judgment sentence is divided into 'Shi' and 'Wei'. On the one hand, we classify these sentence patterns, and on the other hand, we select typical examples from the corpus for description and explanation. In addition to the formal discussion, this paper also examines the modified components of the judgment sentence, that is, the judgment adverb. Through these studies, we have a general understanding of the characteristics of the judgment sentences in the two works. At the same time, we also made a comparative analysis of the judgment sentences of the different periods in which the two works were carried out through comparative analysis of the research methods. From these studies, we can explore the synchronic appearance and diachronic development characteristics of the judgment sentences in the two works.

Key words:Judgment sentence;'Records of the Three Kingdoms'; 'The romance of Three Kingdoms';copula;adverb

1 绪论

1.1 前言


所以本文选取《三国志》和《三国演义》两部著作作为语料,探究其中出现的判断句的不同特点,希望能归纳出两部作品所处的不同时期间判断句的特征以及判断句发展变化的趋势。《三国志》和《三国演义》虽然同是以三国为题材,但是前者成书于上古晚期中古早期这一过渡时期的西晋,后者成书于近代中期的明朝;前者使用的语言为文言,后者使用的语言为白话;前者为前四史之一,是史书的代表作,后者又是四大名著之一古代小说的集大成者。 这种种不同都使其中的判断句呈现出较大的差异,所以选取此二部作品作为语料来比较研究其中判断句是可行的也是有价值的。

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