
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要




Analysis of Detective Image by Agatha Christie

- Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple


The core content of this paper is an in-depth study of the two most famous detective images of Agatha Christie's detective novels, Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple, revealing their many detective images. In the unique. The thesis takes Agatha Christie's Poirot and Miss Marple's series as research objects, and analyzes their unique personality charm from the aspects of image, IQ and personality characteristics, and compares the two detective images with the most familiar ones. Sherlock Holmes, the detective described by Arthur Conan Doyle, made an in- depth comparison. Starting from the time background of the authors Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle, analyzing the relationship between inheritance and breakthrough between the two, and finally summarizing and summarizing the creation of Agatha Christie. The distinctive features of the two detectives, Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple, reveal Agatha Christie's profound influence on the creation of the detective novels of the later generations. The paper's interpretation of Agatha Christie's Poirot and Miss Marple's series led people to think deeply about the literary form of the detective novels, which made people understand the narrative, logic and reasoning of detective novels. Therefore, it pays more attention to the profound connotation of the detective novel's popular outer skin. The research results of this thesis have great practical significance for exploring the artistic charm of detective novels and the in-depth study of Agatha Christie's works.

Key words:Detective story;Detective image;Agatha Christie

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ


前 言… 1

一、赫尔克里·波洛形象分析… 2

(一)赫尔克里·波洛的形象分析及智商分析… 2

1.形象分析… 2

(1)矮小滑稽 2

(2)办事严谨认真 2

2.智商分析… 3

(1)观察力敏锐 3

(2)擅长运用人际关系 3

(二)赫尔克里·波洛的性格特点分析… 3

1.骄傲自满… 3

2.幽默绅士… 4

3.崇尚秩序… 4

二、简·马普尔形象分析 5

(一)简·马普尔的形象分析及智商分析… 5

1.形象分析… 5

(1)年迈啰嗦 5

(2)深居简出 5

2.智商分析… 6

(1)内心精明细致 6

(2)善于伪装 6

(二)简·马普尔的性格特点分析… 6

1.直觉敏锐… 6

2.健谈古怪… 7

3.富有爱心… 7

三、关于“阿加莎式”侦探与“柯南·道尔式”侦探的比较… 8

(一)“阿加莎式”侦探与“柯南·道尔式”侦探的不同之处 8

1.时代不同 8

2.形象不同 8

3.性格不同 9

4.探案方式不同 9

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