
 2021-04-06 09:04

摘 要




As one of the most outstanding contemporary Chinese writers, Yan Geling highly praised the narrative charm of her novels, both at home and abroad. She used the unique narrative strategy in her latest work, Fanghua, and was very impressive. In the process of Fanghua ’ s narrative, Yan Geling skillfully used a variety of narrative techniques to reach the inside and the soul of the characters. This article will analyze the narrative strategies in Fanghua. First of all, the novel uses alternate narratives of the first person and the third person, breaking through a single narrative perspective, forming a multi-angle narrative perspective and polyphony, opening up the depth and breadth of the novel, and making the work have a broader perspective. Secondly, Yan Geling uses a large number of narrative techniques such as repertoire and flashback in his novels. Through the use of various narrative techniques, the personality characteristics of the characters are reflected, and the background of the times is presented in a straightforward and natural way, thus making the characters more full and the era of works. Feeling is stronger. In the end, the narrative process of Fanghua seems to be scattered, but the essence of its internal nature is deep. Every plot is related to each other and has a common emotional core. The novel also adopts a narrative strategy that intersects the storyline. It appears to have multiple narrative clues, and the content is intermittently dispersed. However, in fact, it is centered on Fanghua and points to the same emotional goal. These unique narrative strategies demonstrate Yan Geling’s profound literary skills and have important reference value for the future creation of “autobiographical” novels.

Key words: Yan Geling; "Fanghua"; narrative strategy

目 录

摘 要 II


前言 1

  1. 多角度的叙事视角 1
    1. “我”与作家视角的融合 1
    2. 不同视角的时空交错 2
  2. 叙事手法的多样性 5
    1. 插叙手法的运用 5
    2. 倒叙手法的运用 6
    3. 隐晦手法的运用 7
  3. 形散神聚的叙事氛围 9
    1. 结构的分散和主题的关联 9
    2. 情节的分散和人物形象的关联 10

结 论 13

致 谢 14

参考文献 15


《芳华》是严歌苓的新作,作为严歌苓众多作品中最具表现张力、最能体现青春色彩的长篇小说,其独特的行文叙述为读者展现了 20 世纪 70 年代独有的青春芳华。《芳华》这部作品具有浓厚的个人自传色彩,严歌苓通过萧穗子,从侧面描述了自己的部队生涯和人生经历。相比于严歌苓的早期作品,《芳华》的叙事策略更加独特、叙事技巧更为成熟,她在整部作品中展现出娴熟多变的叙事手法以及令人耳目一新的叙事结构,将读者完全带入到时代的氛围和情节的发展中,为读者提供了审美享受。各类巧妙的叙事手法充分彰显了严歌苓独有的写作智慧和文学创作方面的超高天赋。




一般来说,以第一人称视角展开的小说,往往在叙事方面有相当大的局限性, 固定的视角会使小说叙事枯燥单一,而频繁转换视角又会引起阅读者的困惑与反感。另外在事件的发展方面,第一人称叙述局限于主人公的个人经历,而那些主人公没有经历的事件只能用道听途说来一笔带过,因此这些事件中相关的人物与细节也无从下笔,从而使作品失去其应有的张力。在《芳华》中,严歌苓别出心

① 李楠.严歌苓新移民小说的叙事视角及人称叙述[J].名作欣赏,2016 (27)

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