
 2021-04-07 05:04

摘 要

《到灯塔去》是 20 世纪英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫最重要的小说之一,它主要讲述了拉姆齐一家和好友们在一战前后共同经历的生活。小说的主要人物是 性格迥异的拉姆齐夫妇,拉姆齐先生一心想着如何用理性在学术事业上再创高峰, 拉姆齐夫人则完全相反,家庭是她生活的重心,感性让她博得了众人好感。本论 文着重探讨拉姆齐夫妇二人的个性从矛盾走向融合所经历的曲折过程。同时,本 文从社会角色、教育程度、时代局限三个方面分析了融合过程不能一蹴而就的原 因。其次,论文也深入研究了作品是如何在人物主旨、抒情风格、叙事主观性等 三个方面表现感性与理性以及二者融合的。最后,论文结合时代背景,探讨了小 说中二元和谐主题对一战后社会现状、女性运动以及伍尔夫自我成长的意义。


The conflicts and combination between sensibility and reason in ‘To the Lighthouse’


‘To the Lighthouse’ is the most significant novel of British writer Adeline Virginia Woolf in the 20th century. It mainly tells life episodes that Ramsays and their friends went through during World War I. The main characters are Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay who have entirely different personalities. Mr. Ramsay always gives priority to his academic achievement. On the contrary, family life takes up most of Mrs. Ramsey’s time and her decent sensibility makes her receive popularity among people. The thesis mainly explores the difficulties they go through from conflicts to mutual understanding. At the same time, the essay analyzes reasons behind the difficulties of perceptual nature and rational nature’s combination, including social character, education degree and limitations of times. What’s more, it also explores how the novel itself shows sensibility, reason and androgyny in character and theme, lyricism and subjective narrative. Last but not least, the essay discusses the effects of androgyny on society of the World War I, feminism and self-development.

Key words: sensibility; reason; conflict; combination

目 录

前 言....................................................................

- 1



- 2


(一)互相对立 ........................................................

- 3


(二)互相试探 ........................................................

- 4


(三)互相融合 ........................................................

- 6



- 8


(一)社会角色 ........................................................

- 8


(二)教育程度 ........................................................

- 9


(三)时代局限 .......................................................

- 10



- 12


(一)人物主旨与感性流露 .............................................

- 12


(二)抒情风格与理性体现 .............................................

- 13


(三)叙事主观性与感性理性融合 .......................................

- 15



- 16


(一)对一战后社会的意义 .............................................

- 16


(二)对女性运动的意义 ...............................................

- 16


(三)对自我发展的意义 ...............................................

- 17


结 语...................................................................

- 18


致 谢...................................................................

- 19



- 20


前 言

艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Adeline Virginia Woolf)是英国著名作家,

《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)是她最为重要的作品。小说以“到灯塔去” 为中心线索,拉姆齐先生的儿子詹姆斯想去灯塔,但却由于天气不好而未能如愿, 一战后,拉姆齐先生带着一双儿女终于到达灯塔。小说以不同人物围绕着灯塔事件的矛盾开篇,历经沧桑后,他们终于从对立走向融合。

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