
 2021-04-04 10:04

摘 要


1 近代“乡土小说“概念及鲁迅、沈从文代表的两个流派 1

    1. 近代“乡土小说“概念 1
    2. 鲁迅和沈从文代表的乡土小说流派 1

2 鲁迅的“现实”与沈从文的“浪漫” 4

    1. 鲁迅乡土小说中的“现实” 4
    2. 沈从文乡土小说中的“浪漫” 5
    3. 鲁迅的“现实”与沈从文的“浪漫”的比较 5
      1. 人物塑造的“现实”与“浪漫” 5
      2. 环境描写的“现实”与“浪漫” 7
      3. 抒情方式的“现实”与“浪漫 8

3 鲁迅写作中的“现实”与沈从文写作中的“浪漫”溯源 10

    1. 教育背景 10
    2. 时代背景 11

结论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14






in the 1920s and 1930s in China, lu xun and shen congwen were outstanding representatives of two different schools of local novels, and they had a decisive influence on the creation of local novels in later generations of China. Lu xun was not only the pioneer of Chinese vernacular novels, but also laid a solid foundation for them. Lu xun's vernacular novels directly led the trend of vernacular literature creation in the 1920s. Shen cong-wen's native novel style was very different from lu xun, shen cong-wen's lu xun's country novels relatively less intense criticism of reality and cruel reality, but more of a romantic lyric nostalgia, shen cong-wen's vernacular novels showed the deep miss of xiangxi world, for the Chinese modern and contemporary rural novels opened up a different path. The description of China's rural culture by the two masters is completely from two different perspectives. Both of them have made profound thoughts and explorations on the "people" in the countryside with their unique writing styles. However, due to the different life experiences and pursuit of literature of the two masters, the meanings of the rural areas in their novels are also different. Lu xun's local novels focus on depicting the reality, showing the numbness and indifference of human nature under the oppression of feudal ethics, and exposing the darkness of society. He wrote these novels for the purpose of "paying attention to life", "awakening the numbness of human nature" and "causing cure". Shen congwen's local novels tend to be dreamland, where everything is as beautiful as a dream. What he describes in his works is the beautiful unspoiled environment and the simple human nature. In his novels, shen congwen always takes the perspective of a "peasant", prying into the present social life while reminiscing about the past xiangxi border city, immersed in his poetic dream.

Keywords: rural novels; Lu xun; Shen congwen; To compa

1 近代“乡土小说“概念及鲁迅、沈从文代表的两




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