
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要

戏剧《美狄亚》是古希腊三大悲剧诗人之一欧里庇得斯的代表作,该戏剧将目光聚焦于古希腊女性,赞扬了美狄亚夺取公平的斗争精神。本文先剖析美狄亚的女性形象, 然后从美狄亚的女性形象中挖掘并归纳美狄亚的女性意识。美狄亚的行径十分大胆,但是她的想法却非常天真,她既有温柔慈爱的一面,也有凶恶狠毒的一面,这些矛盾的个性和行为构成了美狄亚这一复杂的女性人物。因此,美狄亚的女性意识也是错综复杂的。本文不仅分析了美狄亚的正面的女性意识,还将其反面的女性意识提炼出来细细探讨。既树立了积极正面的女性意识的标杆,又拿反面的女性意识示以警戒。因为本文主要谈论《美狄亚》的女性意识,所以在分析完美狄亚的女性意识的具体内容之后,还着重分析了美狄亚的女性意识对后世产生的影响。美狄亚的女性意识为后世女性文学的创作提供了可以借鉴的对象,同时引导社会深度关注男女不平等问题以及女性心理健康问题等等。


To explore the works of Euripides "Medea" female consciousness


Drama MEDEA is one of the three great tragic poets of ancient Greece Ou Libi Desi's masterpiece, the Theatre focused on ancient Greek women, praising the MEDEA fighting spirit to win the fair. This paper analysis of female images in Medea, and mining from the female images in Medea and the MEDEA women's consciousness. Medea's actions are bold, but her ideas are very innocent, she is both gentle and loving side, there was a vicious vicious side, these contradictory personality and constitutes the Medea, a complex female characters. Therefore, the MEDEA women's consciousness is also complex. This article not only analyze the female consciousness of Medea's positive, and its discussion on the female consciousness of the opposite side out carefully. Establishing a positive benchmark of female consciousness, and consciousness of the opposite side as shown in the alert. Because this article is talking about Medea's female consciousness, so to analyze the female consciousness of perfect second specific content, also focused on the MEDEA impact on future generations of female consciousness. Medea for future generations of female consciousness of female literary creation of objects that can be applied while leading social depth attention to gender inequality issues and women's mental health issues, and so on.

Key words:Medea;female consciousness;complex;struggle

目 录

前言 .. - 1 -

1 作者的生平背景对其创作的影响 ................................................ - 2

1.1 作者所处的时代背景对其创作的总体影响 ................................. - 2

1.2 作者的生平背景对其创作《美狄亚》的影响 ............................... - 3

2 《美狄亚》中的女性形象分析.................................................. - 5

2.1 痛不欲生的弃妇形象................................................... - 5

2.1.1 惨遭抛弃哀叹不幸 ............................................... - 5

2.1.2 心生愤恨彻底爆发 ............................................... - 6

2.2 冷酷狠辣的毒妇形象................................................... - 7

2.2.1 毒杀公主 ...................................................... - 7

2.2.2 弑子 .......................................................... - 7

2.3 狡猾谨慎的复仇女神................................................... - 8

2.3.1 虚情假意阿谀奉承 ............................................... - 8

2.3.2 聪明谨慎狡猾周到 ............................................... - 9

2.4 慈爱温柔的母亲形象.................................................. - 10

2.4.1 慈爱柔软的母亲 ................................................ - 10

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