
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要

汉乐府民歌和南北朝乐府民歌是中国诗歌史上一笔宝贵的财富,其中的婚恋 诗更是散发着独特的光芒受到广大读者的注目。本文将汉乐府以及南北朝乐府民 歌婚恋诗中比较典型的诗篇作为研究对象,运用比较的方法,从题材、艺术表现、 原因探析、女性意识的发展等方面进行分析研究。本文的研究目的为探讨汉乐府 和南北朝乐府婚恋诗的差异,所以着重选取了不同时代同题材的婚恋诗进行比较。同时,由于汉朝、南朝、北朝的时代不同以及社会状况的变化,乐府民歌中的婚 恋诗呈现出不同的面貌,汉乐府婚恋诗更具理性,南朝乐府婚恋诗清新自然、温 婉柔靡,北朝婚恋诗直率洒脱。本文将从自然、社会、文化三个方面探究形成此 等差异的原因,并且对三个不同时代的女性在时代潮流中对于婚恋、自身意识的 觉醒程度进行探究。


A Comparation of the poems of songs of marriage and love in Han and the Northern and Southern Dynasties


The poems of songs in Han and the northern and southern Dynasties are a legacy of Chinese poems. In all kinds of the yuefu poems, the poems of marriage and love attract more attention due to its special style. This thesis takes the classical yuefu poems of marriage and love in Han and the Northern and Southern Dynasties as the object of study. Meanwhile, the study would be conducted from the aspect of theme, artistic expression, analysis of reasons and female consciousness by using comparative method. The aim of the study is exploring and analyzing the difference of the marriage and love poems in yuefu poems in Han and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, so this thesis focuses on selecting the marriage and love poems of same theme whose are in different dynasty. In addition, due to the different dynasty and the change of social situation, the yuefu songs of marriage and love in Han and the Northern and Southern Dynasties present different the features, the yuefu poems of marriage and love in Han Dynasty are rational; the yuefu poems of marriage and love in Southern Dynasty are fresh ,natural and elegant; the yuefu poems of marriage and love in Northern Dynasty are straightforward. What’s more, this thesis will find out the reasons of their difference in the terms of nature, society and culture and explore female awakening degree of marriage, self-consciousness in tide of times.

Keywords: the poems of songs in Han Dynasty; the poems of songs in Southern Dynasty; the poems of songs in Northern Dynasty; marriage and love poems; comparation

目 录

前 言 .. - 1 -

1.汉朝、南北朝乐府民歌婚恋诗题材及艺术表现比较 ....................... - 2

1.1 同题材比较 ...................................................... - 2

1.1.1 弃妇诗 ..................................................... - 3

1.1.2 对封建势力的反抗 ........................................... - 5

1.1.3 自我感情的表白 ............................................. - 6

1.1.4 思妇诗 ..................................................... - 7

1.2 艺术表现 ........................................................ - 9

1.2.1 抒情视角 ................................................... - 9

1.2.2 艺术形式 .................................................. - 10

2.汉乐府与南北朝乐府婚恋诗差异原因探析 .............................. - 13

2.1 自然环境的影响 ................................................. - 13

2.2 社会环境的影响 ................................................. - 14

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