
 2021-04-03 10:04

摘 要



Analysis of female images in Junichi Watanabe's Novels

-- Taking "red flower" and "Lilac cold street" as an example


Throughout Junichi Watanabe's works, it is not difficult to find that his work is mainly to explore the relationship between the sexes, in which women occupy a pivotal position in their works. In order to better understand his literature and ideas, this paper uses narrative and image theory combined with the specific text, Watanabe’s"safflower" and "Lilac cold street" to analyze the female characters in the novel image, the character of love view and outlook on life are analyzed and judged comprehensively. This paper from the paper studies the purpose, significance and research status quo, watanabe is analyzed on a life of background on the impact of his work, and then through the study on female images in the novel of text categorization and comb, female image is roughly divided into female images in the cage, constrained by the traditional concept of dual traits of female image, in the three types of nirvana reborn in the image of women. Mr. Watanabe painted a variety of women with exquisite strokes, showing different women's beauty. Then by the type of female image as the starting point to analyze watanabe a writing the cause of female images, including the social background, the traditional culture factors and emotional experience of the writer. Finally, this paper discusses the realistic significance of the female image of watanabe.Through the different living conditions of the characters in different marriage life, as well as the different attitudes and ways of life, the author interprets the cultural orientation and the ideological trend of Watanabe's creation.

Key words: Junichi Watanabe; extramarital affair; female image;Red flower; Lilac cold street

目 录

前 言 1

  1. 作者的生平背景对其创作的影响 3
    1. 作者所处的时代背景对其创作的总体影响 3
      1. 西方理性主义的引进激发了渡边淳一解放自然天性的诉求 3
      2. 宗教观念的熏染引导了渡边淳一生死观念的形成 3
      3. 日本现实社会的婚姻制度促进了渡边淳一婚恋观的建立 4
    2. 作者的生平背景对其塑造女性形象的影响 5
      1. 家庭环境形成作者对女性的初认识 5
      2. 感情经历让作者加深了对女性的认识 5
  2. 渡边淳一笔下女性形象的类型 6
    1. 囿于传统观念中“女性是生育工具”的女性形象 6

《红花》中的藤井妻子 6

    1. 具有双重特质的女性形象 7
      1. 《红花》中的中山夫人 7
      2. 《紫丁香冷的街道》中的苑子 8
    2. 于涅槃中重生的女性形象 8

《红花》中的冬子 8

  1. 渡边淳一作品中女性形象的成因 10
    1. 现实社会中女性地位的提高 10
    2. 传统文化中的美学观 10
    3. 作者个人丰富的情感经历使他接触到各色女性 11
  2. 渡边淳一小说中女性形象的现实意义 12
    1. 女性意识的树立 12
    2. 对当代社会男女内心的关注 12
    3. 对现代社会中男尊女卑现象的抨击 13

结 语 14

致 谢 15

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